23 more people lost their lives from Covid-19


NEWS CENTER - 23 more people lost their lives from coronavirus in Turkey. 1.192 new cases were diagnosed.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that 23 more people died from coronavirus while 1.192 new cases were diagnosed. Koca, sharing from his twitter account, said: "The number of our intensive care patients is low despite the increasing number of new cases. 84 in Ankara, 46 in Konya, 43 in Bursa, 22 in Batman, 8 in Siirt, and 5 in Van. The number of our recovered patients is 320 more than our new cases. We should gradually clear the gap with measures. "
With the new casualties, the number of people lost their lives due to the epidemic rose to 4 thousand 950, while the number of cases increased to 187 thousand 685.