'70 people diagnosed with covid- 19 in prisons, 6 prisoners lost their lives'


NEWS CENTER - General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses announced that 70 coronavirus cases were detected in prisons during the coronavirus epidemic and 6 prisoners died.

General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses announced that 70 coronavirus cases were detected in prisons during the coronavirus (Kovid-19) epidemic.
General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses which prepared a report titled "Covid-19 in Penal Execution Institutions" stated that many protective measures have not been taken in prisons in a report they prepared under 5 main titles.
The report disclosed that 70 cases of Covid-19 were detected in prisons 29 of which were diagnosed during their admission to the prison. Apart from this, a total of 41 positive cases were detected in two locations. It was stated that 36 out of 70 cases were isolated in special departments allocated to them in penal institutions after their first examinations, and 34 were kept under treatment and observation in health institutions. 
There are no prisoners or convicts on ventilator or in intensive care. 6 patients who had a history of chronic diseases such as COPD, kidney failure, and asthma died during their threatments.