National unity statement from PYNK and ENKS: We have reached an agreement

NEWS CENTER - The delegations of the Kurdish National Unity parties and the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) announced, at the conclusion of the first phase of the negotiations for the unity of the Kurdish row, the conclusion of a binding common political vision and reaching initial understandings.
The announcement came during a joint statement by the two delegations, and considered the 2014 Duhok agreement a basis for continuing dialogue and negotiations.
Joint statement
To the media and public opinion
On June 16, 2020, the delegations of the Kurdish National Council in Syria and the Kurdish National Unity parties in al-Hasakah, Syria, concluded the first phase of the negotiations for the unity of the Kurdish row, reaching a binding common political vision, reaching initial understandings, and considering the 2014 Dohuk Agreement on governance and partnership in management, protection, and defense as a basis for continuing dialogue and negotiations between the two delegations, with the aim of reaching the signing of a comprehensive agreement in the near future.
The two delegations stressed the importance of Kurdish cooperation and unity in Syria and welcomed the achievement as an important historical step towards greater understanding and practical cooperation which will benefit the Kurdish people in Syria as well as the Syrians of all components, and the two delegations devoted their work in fulfillment of the great sacrifices of Syrian people, especially the martyrs and wounded in Rojava and their families in noble fighting to protect the world from ISIS tyranny.
These understandings constitute a first and important step that was reached under the auspices and assistance of the US Deputy Special Envoy for the International Coalition, Ambassador William Robak and Commander in Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, General Mazloum Abdi. The Kurdistan region of Iraq for their support and efforts for the Kurdish unity in Syria. They also thanked the United States of America for its patronage and strong support for the Kurdish unity and its support for achieving a more democratic and pluralistic Syrian future where the rights of all its components are respected.