HDP Edirne Provincial Organization building blockaded by the police

EDİRNE - Edirne Provincial Organization building was blockaded by the police before the "Democracy march", which HDP will launch to Ankara from Edirne and Hakkari.
Within the scope of the "Democratic Struggle Program" announced by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) against the oppressive policies of the AKP and MHP government on June 1, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) initiated a march to be started from Edirne and Hakkari that will end in Ankara. Edirne HDP building was blockaded today and scores of police officers were deployed to the vicinity.
The governor's of Tekirdağ, Van, Kocaeli, Edirne and Hakkari had banned enterance to the cities and any demonstrations to prevent the march.
Despite trying to prevent the marches with these prohibition decisions, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan, MPs and party managers will come together in front of Silivri Shopping Center at 12.00 and head towards Edirne.