'Content on EBA TV is part of the current education system'

  • actual
  • 13:02 25 March 2020
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İSTANBUL – Stating that the execution footage of Menderes, published on the distance education system EBA TV, was not made accidentally and unambiguously, Eğitim Sen Istanbul No.1 Branch President Mesut Mike said that this was part of the current education system.

With the rapid spread of coronavirus (Covid-19), one of the measures taken was the schools closing in Turkey. Following the compulsory one week break, distance education started in primary and secondary schools yesterday via internet and TV broadcasting. While there were serious problems in accessing courses over the internet, Adnan Menderes' execution was shown in an animated documentary watched between the courses. The violent scenes of an execution and the canticles playing between classes caused public reactions.
Education Union İstanbul No 1 Branch President Mesut Mike, evaluating the situation, said that the fact that elements based on violence being imposed on children in the Turkish education system is being discussed for years.
Mike stated that the situation was finally reflected to the society with the televised education system.
Stating that what happened was not an accident, Mike said: "Racist, violent, age unappropriate content have been included in the Turkish education system. Our people have finally seen it as a result of the televised distant education system."
Stating that scientists are consulted in every subjected that has a social effect, said education is the only subject scientist are not consulted with. Mike said: "Our education system is not in line with science and scientific formation. On the contrary, we see that they are making our children watch executions, listen to canticles. Our children are being kept at the bottom of a jar. We finally saw that the system they built to re-shape our children still exists."
Stating that this is unacceptable, Mike said they will continue to fight against this system. Mike said: "Our struggle will continue until we reach the point where we have a formation that will meet the needs of the society in a  bright, modern, democratic, secular and social sense. These videos showed us how right we are and how reactionary and extra societal their educational policies are."

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