DTK Co-Chair Öztürk: The solution is the third path

DİYARBAKIR - Saying that the proposal of the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's 'Third Way' is the only way for the liberation of the peoples, DTK Co-chair Berdan Öztürk called on to the people and said the solution is the third way.
PKK Lideri Abdullah Öcalan’ın 'Üçüncü Yol' önerisinin halklar açısından kurtuluşun tek yolu olduğunu söyleyen DTK Eşbaşkanı Berdan Öztürk, gidişattan memnun olmayan tüm kesimlere "Güvenlikçi politikalar, var olan sorunları daha da derinleştirdi. Çözüm, üçüncü yoldur” çağrısında bulundu.
Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Berdan Öztürk made evaluations regarding Öcalan's third path emphasis, the deepening crisis in Syria and their visit to Maxmur, where the embargo has been going on for months.
Öztürk said the isolation still continues even though Öcalan was able to make a family visit after 8 months. ÖZtürk drawing attention to the growing crisis both in Turkey and in the Middle East, said: "If there is a leader that can play a key role in the solution of these crisis, it is Mr. Abdullah Öcalan.  The whole world knows the role and the mission of Mr. Öcalan. Therefore, the isolation is not only imposed on the Kurdish people, but also imposed on the Turkish people. 
Noting that other problems cannot be solved without providing a solution to the Kurdish problem, Öztürk said: "The AKP has partnered with the deep structures of the state. In line with its own interests, a policy that disregards the interests and future of all peoples is followed. From a discourse that said 'We will do whatever it takes even it would hurt us', they turned to a policy that lead to absolute isolation and military solutions that were tried before and never gave results. There were attacks everywhere. Even against our mother tongues. They did not succeed anything. We are still here. This is not just about the Kurdish people. There is no conscience left in Turkey. Corruption comes from every corner. We are talking about a Turkey that has no international reputation left.  Security policies have deepened existing problems. The solution is the third way."

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