Here goes the Idlib swamp

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  • 14:56 28 February 2020
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İDLİB - Turkey playing on open door policy in Syria, the loss of the regime, the Kurds not getting status and the winning of El Kaide and Ihvan ended Turkey in the Idlib swamp. Dozens of soldiers lost their lives and got injured at the attack yesterday. 

The war is heating up in İdlib where Turkey entered with Astana and Soçi agreements. Turkey backing the Muslim Brotherhood (Ihvan'ı Muslimin) who took control of the armed groups in the war in Syria that erupted in 2011 to be able to show presence in the region, came face to face with the regime at the present state. Dozens of Dozens of soldiers lost their lives and got injured at the attack against Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) yesterday. 
Turkey considering the Kurdish existance as a threat and focused on eliminating the gains of the Kurds, started to ally with Russia when it failed to side with NATO and USA. Turkey that has a bad reputation of siding with ISIS in Syria, entered Syria with the help of Russia when they could not stop Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD).
Turkey that entered Syria through Cerablus and went as far as Ezaz and Bab with 'Euphrates Shield' following the concessions given to Russia and USA, pulled their forces from Aleppo, Guta and Homs to Idlb for Efrin. Turkey that gathered the El Kaide originated groups in İdlib, deepened its relations with Russia and negotiated with USA to eliminate the gains of the Kurds. 
At that time, even though when all of the well-known experts, including politicians of the day told the groups in question will become a threat for Turkey, AKP did not listen. Instead of changing their policies, Turkey deployed its presence to Girê Spî and Serêkaniye.
Turkey keeping the doors open until the end of 2018, accepted almost 5 million refugees from Syria. Turkey used this refugees as a bargain tool against Europe and tried to provide economic support from United Nations (UN). When this policy did not work, they opened the doors for only Salafi groups. 
While all these were happening, Turkey prevented SDF, which is the greates power in Syria, from being at the solution table for the administration of North and East Syria. As such, there were no results from the numerous UN-led meetings in Geneva, while meetings were held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan with Russia and Iran. These meetings gave homework to Turkey to promote the interests of Russia and Iran. The first of these was the cleaning of Idlib from radical elements, the opening of the M4-M5 highways under the regime control, and the creation of an unarmed area of ​​15-20 kilometers.
However Turkey expended its observation points instead of fulfilling its duties and make the Salafi groups permanent with their support. At the point reached, Turkey put forward the negotiation for the solution of the Kurdish problem and the cleaning of Idlib from Salafi groups. In this context when regime advanced to Idlib, the groups working with Turkey demanded support. Turkey was either going to take on these groups and risk war in Efrin, Cerablus, Ezaz, Bab, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê, or will continue to support these groups. When Turkey chosed the second path, it became open to the attack of Russia and Syrian regime forces. 
Russia managed to descend to the Mediterranean with its policies in Syrian civil war, Iran who achieved its goal to possess forces in the Middle East and dominate, o conflict of interest in the bases of politic purposes erupted between Iran and Turkey.Turkey that can not target Russia that closed its airspace, knows that the actor is Russia even it says that they are the attacks of the regime.
While discussing where these conflicts might end, the course of the war is hidden in the following questions: 
1- What does Turkey aim with its Syria policy?
2- Why would the gains of the Kurds in their own lands be a threat to Syria's existing government and Turkey?
3- Can the salafi groups such as ISIS, El Kaide, HTŞ and Ihvan defender groups that are known to be a threat for humanity be Turkey's friends?
4- Who does Turkish Armed Forces protect in Efrîn, Cerablus, Ezaz, Bab, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê?
5- The duties to liquidate HTŞ in İdlin, opening the highways M4 and M5 and creating an arm free zone could not be done?
6- Why is there a military build up in İdlib which is in Syrian territory, who is being protected?
7 -  Is it not legitimate for the Syrian regime to fight the HTŞ, which the world calls "terrorist"?
8 - Why do they say the regime attack Turkey even though Russia claimed the attack? 
5 - İdlib'de HTŞ'yi tasfiye etme, M4-M5 yollarını açma, silahsız bölge oluşturma görevlerini neden gerçekleştirilemedi?
6 - Suriye toprağı olan İdlib'e neden askeri yığınak yapılıyor, kim korunuyor?
7 - Suriye rejiminin dünyanın “terörist” olarak adlandırdığı HTŞ ile mücadelesi meşru değil midir?
8 - Rusya resmen hava saldırılarını kendisinin yaptığını deklere etse de saldırlar neden rejime mal ediliyor?
Open Door Policy” is one of the imperialist teachings that the USA gifted to world politics at the end of the 19th century. According to this doctrine, prepared by the US Secretary of State John Hay in 1899, economically backward countries should not be left to be privileged areas of influence for individual colonial states, but should be made available to all colonial states in equal opportunities. In short a colony country can be colonized by not only the colonial state but also the other colonial countries with equal rights.
MA / Nazım Daştan

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