UN calls for cessation in Idlib

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  • 13:47 4 February 2020
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NEWS CENTER - Stéphane Dujarric, the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) Secretary General has made a statement about the recently escalating tensions in Syria’s Idlib.

Stéphane Dujarric, the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), has made a statement about the recently escalating tensions in Syria's Idlib.
Published on the official website of the UN yesterday (February 3), some highlights on Syria from the statement are as follows:
"The United Nations remains alarmed about the safety and protection of over 3 million civilians in Idlib in Syria as well as the surrounding areas, over half of whom are internally displaced. This is following ongoing reports of airstrikes and shelling.
"Between January 31 and February 2, at least 25 communities were reportedly affected by artillery shelling, while 47 communities were reportedly impacted by airstrikes. And since December 1, over half a million people have been displaced due to the hostilities and around 80 per cent of these people are women and children.
"The World Health Organization reported today that at least 53 health facilities suspended services in January due to the ongoing insecurity as well as threats of attacks, or as areas were deserted by civilians fleeing violence.
"In a statement issued over the weekend, the Spokesperson expressed the Secretary-General's deep concern at the ongoing military escalation in northwest Syria and his call for an immediate cessation of hostilities.
"The Secretary-General reaffirms that attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, including on healthcare and educational facilities, are unacceptable. 
"Military operations of all parties, including actions against and by designated terrorist groups, must respect the rules and obligations of international humanitarian law, which includes the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure.
"The Secretary-General reiterates that there is no military solution to the Syrian conflict. The only path to stability is a credible and inclusive UN-facilitated political solution as laid out in the Security Council resolution 2254."
Releasing a statement early in the morning yesterday (February 3), the Ministry of National Defense announced that four soldiers lost their lives and nine soldiers were wounded in an artillery fire of the regime forces.
As stated by the Ministry in this first statement, the soldiers, who were sent as reinforcements to the region for the purpose of preventing conflicts in Idlib de-escalation zone, were attacked by the regime forces, although their locations were previously coordinated.
In response to this attack, President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, "We have responded in kind to these attacks and will continue to do so, whether it is with our artillery or mortars. We are determined to continue our operations for the security of our country, people and our brothers and sisters in Idlib."
Releasing another statement later in the day, the Ministry of National Defense announced that the death toll rose to six as one more soldier and one civilian personnel also died as a result of the attack.
Addressing the reporters yesterday evening, President Erdoğan stated that eight members of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), including three civilian personnel, have lost their lives in Idlib.

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