Turkey seeks to deliver the border to the Ikhwan

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  • 13:19 2 January 2020
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KOBANÊ – Turkey negotiationg with Esad about their attacks against North and East Syria and the latest situation in İdlib, continues their negotiation to deliver the entire border to the pro-ikhwan forces. The long term objective of Turkey who also negotiates with Russia, USA and European forces is to split Syria.

The Syrian Civil War going to another phase with Turkey's attacks against North and East Syria territory, continues with new balances and reckonings. Turkey attacking North and East Syria with the courtesy of USA and Russia, also continues their negotiations of liquidation of the democratic autonomous system with the Syrian regime. In this context, Turkey wants to sit the Syrian regime on the table with the Ikhwan movement (Muslim brotherhood).
Turkey who agreed with Russia on deploying some groups in İdlib to Libya, seeks to deliver the entire Syrian border to the pro-ikhwan movement. In this context, Turkey continues negotiations with Russia and the Syrian regime. Turkey wants to bring together Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan-i Muslim) with the Syrian regime. In Syria which gained its independence in 1947 the conflict and war between the two powers continued to this day.  In the 1980s, the Syrian regime killed thousands of pro- ikhwan forces  in Aleppo, Hama, Jisir al Shughur (Idlib) and Tedmur during the clashes that broke out between the Syrian regime and the ikhwan forces. While what happened in Aleppo and Hama described as a massacre according to some sources, the situation continued as it is until the civil war broken out in 2011.
Turkey is known to be the greatest supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the region, including Syria. Turkey designing their policies accordingly with the brotherhood, has the same policies with other Salafi groups in the region.  Turkey that seeks news agreements with the Syrian Regime in terms of hostility against the Kurdish, tries to use the forces they support on the ground in this context. Turkey paves the way for these groups starting with Efrin and later in Girê Spî and Serêkanîyê, seeks to deliver the entire border to the pro ikhwan groups. For this reason, it also looks at the cities of Kobanê, Derbesiye, Amûdê, Qamişlo and Derik, which are located on the border of the Euphrates Region with the same perspective.
Turkey searching for a way to establish this in the military field, as well as political and diplomatic means with Russia and European forces, is forcing all ways possible.Turkey that seeks to convey official talks with the Syrian regime, which it considered to be enemies for years instead of negotiating with the Kurds, have not recieved any results yet. Turkey which is not supported by international forces about their plan, is making moves to benefit from the contradictions between NATO and Russia.
Syrian regime that continues its old approach, made several meetings with Turkey instead of negotiationg with North and East Syria. Turkey insists on its plan even though they did not get any results yet. However, it is predicted that the groups that can be active could become even more dangerous for the Syrian regime. Some circles interpret this plan as a long-lasting way to overthrow the regime.
MA / Nazım Daştan

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