Karabat: AKP destroys everything while leaving

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  • 10:10 30 December 2019
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İSTANBUL - CHP MP Özgür Karabat, evaluating Erdoğan's insistance on Canal Istanbul, said: "The tyrants used to burn down the cities, turning them into ash on their way when they lost and had to leave in the past. Now AKP is doing just the same.

The reactions to the Canal Istanbul project that will have irreversible consequences keeps coming. While İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu who took the office by a 806 thousand vote difference in June 23 re-election is being ignored, AKP's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan increased the tension in a speech he made on December 27 and said 'We will do it whether you like it or not.' CHP İstanbul MP Özgür Karabat evaluated the government's willingness to bring such a risky project to life with a fait accompli for our agency.
Karabat stating that the words of Erdoğan reflects his mentality as a politician, said: "With this mentality, Erdoğan took the people on. We are face to face with a government that does not take the people of the various segments of the society into consideration and even daring to say 'You sit down there and shut up' to the İstanbul Mayor."
Karabat explaining the Canal Istanbul project with a metaphor, said: "The tyrants used to burn down the cities, turning them into ash on their way when they lost and had to leave in the past. What Erdoğan does right now is exactly the same. That shows us that they are at the end of the road."
Karabat, stating that Erdoğan gave promises and made commitments to Arab capital and pro- government companies with this project, said: "Unfortunatley, the new airport is just finished. The investments of the new bosphorus bridge is also finished. The groups that have been supporting Erdoğan needs to be feeded or they will bring him to account. He has these debts and therefore he says no matter what anyone says he will realize this project. Because this is his only survival chance."
Kanal İstanbul Projesi’nin, bir kanal projesi olmaktan öte yeni bir şehir yaratma ve yeni yapılar yapma projesi olduğunu vurgulayan Karabat, “Bu proje yeni Arap kantonları kurma projesidir. Suriye’de Kürt Kantonlarına karşı çıkanlar, bugün burada Arap Kantonları kurmaktadır. Projenin kendisine ‘Çılgın’ diyorlar ama bence böyle bir projeye başlamak çılgınlık olur. Kolay başlayabileceklerini düşünmüyorum açıkçası” dedi. 
Kanal İstanbul’un yapılacağı bölgelerde Gülen cemaati mensuplarından toplu olarak geri alınan arsalar olduğunu da ileri süren Karabat, “Onların satışıyla ilgili bir süreç olabilir diye değerlendiriyorum. Hatırlarsanız Silivri’deki güzergah üzerinde de önemli tartışmalar olmuştu. Arsa satışları gerçekleşmişti. Orada da benzer bir sürecin işlediğini deşifre etmek gerekir” değerlendirmesi yaptı.

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