Selahattin Demirtaş's brother: My brother lost consciousness, his access to hospital is being denied

  • actual
  • 15:39 2 December 2019
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İSTANBUL - Aygül Demirtaş, sister and attorney of former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş who is currently being held in Edirne Prison announced that her brother has lost consciousness on November 26 and wasn't referred to hospital since then.

Aygül Demirtaş made a statement from her twitter account and said People's Democratic Party (HDP) Former Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş had a heart attack and said: "My client and my brother Selahattin Demirtaş experienced a chest tightness and inability to breathe around 5.30 A.M on November 26 and then lost consciousness. He stayed unconscious for a while until his cell mate Mr. Abdullah Zeydan made the initial intervention. 
According to the recieved information, an ambulance was called and an ekg was performed. ISTANBUL - Edirne Prison detained HDP former co-chairman Selahattin Demirtas brother and lawyer Aygul Demirtas, his brother's consciousness on November 26, and announced that he was not referred to hospital for 7 days.
Demirtaş said, “Then an ambulance was called and only ECG was performed. Our client requested a referral to the clinic for a comprehensive intervention and treatment instead of an emergency room. The prison doctor also requested that Demirtaş be transferred to three separate departments: cardiology, neurology and gastroenterology. We, as his lawyers, requested immediate referral to the hospital during our meeting with the prison administration. However, Demirtaş has not yet been referred to the hospital to this day.Failure to refer him to a hospital despite such a vital health problem clearly means he is at risk of death."
Demirtaş, “Sonrasında ambulans çağrılmış, kendisine sadece EKG yapılmıştır. Müvekkilimiz acil servis yerine, kapsamlı bir müdahale ve tedavi için kliniğe sevkini talep etmiştir. Cezaevi doktoru da Demirtaş’ın kardiyoloji, nöroloji ve gastroenteroloji olmak üzere üç ayrı bölüme sevk edilmesini istemiştir. Biz de avukatları olarak cezaevi idaresiyle yaptığımız görüşmede derhal hastaneye sevkini talep ettik. Ancak Demirtaş, aradan 7 gün geçmesine rağmen hastaneye sevk edilmemiştir. Böylesi hayati önemdeki bir sağlık sorununa rağmen hastaneye sevk edilmemesi, açıkça hayati risk altında tutulduğu anlamına gelmektedir” ifadesini kullandı.

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