Trustees appointed to 20 municipalities: The will of 2 million 219 thousand citizens ignored

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  • 12:05 14 November 2019
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ANKARA - 14 Co- Mayors and 7 Municipal Council members of the 20 trustee appointed Municipalities, were arrested. The rights to stand for election of 367 members were violated due to the extinguishment of Municipal Councils. The wills of 2 million 219 thousand voters were ignored.

The Democratic Party of Peoples (HDP) won 65 municipalities in 3 metropols, 5 provinces, 45 districts and 12 counties in the March 31 elections. A total of 65 Municipal Mayorships, 1.230 Council memberships and 102 Provincial Councils were won by HDP.
The words of AKP leader Tayyip Erdoğan before the elections where he said 'We will do what is necessary if they win' are not put into operation by the Ministry of Interrior.
Kurdish political movements considers this the 4th political coup.
The trustee period first started with the Supreme Board of elections (YSK) coup. YSK did not give the mandates of HDP candidates after they won the elections even though they approved their candidateships and mandated the AKP candidates who did not win the elections in their places. 
6 HDP Municipal Co- Mayors who were not mandated by the YSK
* Diyarbakır-Bağlar Municipality Co-Mayor Zeyyat Ceylan
* Van-Çaldıran Municipality Co-Mayor Leyla Atsak
* Van-Edremit Municipality Co-Mayor Gülcan Kaçmaz Sağyiğit
* Co-Mayor of Van-Tusba Municipality Yılmaz Berki
* Erzurum-Tekman Municipality Co-Mayor Müzahit Karakuş
* Kars- Digor- Dağpınar Town Municipality Co-Mayor Abubekir Erkmen
8 Co- Mayors who were not mandated by the YSK because they were dismissed with a law decree (KHK) during the State of Emergency (OHAL)
* Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Hülya Alökmen Uyanık,
* Diyarbakır-Yenişehir Municipality Co-Mayor İbrahim Çiçek,
* Necati Pirinççioğlu, Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır-Kayapınar Municipality,
* Hakkari Municipality Co-Mayor Seher Kadiroğlu Ataş,
* Salih Kuday, Co-Mayor of Mardin-Kızıltepe Municipality,
* Mardin-Savur Municipality Co-Mayor Mehmet Yasin Kalkan,
* Siirt Municipality Co-Mayor Resul Kaçar,
* Mahmut Pala Pala Co-Mayor of Erciş Municipality
The mandates of 44 municipal councilors, 3 provincial councilors from HDP were not given their mandates by the YSK in Taşlıçay, Doğubayazıt, Batman, Tatvan, Yenişehir, Kayapınar, Bağlar, Dicle, Sur, Ergani, Yüksekova, Iğdır, Kızıltepe, Derik, Varto, Siirt, Kurtalan, Bozova, Suruç, Viranşehir, Şırnak, Cizre and İpekyolu Municipalities.
Between 19 August - 13 November 2019, 3 metropolitan municipality Co- Mayors, 1 provincial Co-Mayor, 15 Disrtict Co- Mayors and 1 county Co-Mayors (A total of 20) of HDP were dismissed from duty with a decision of the Ministry of Interrior.
Provincial and District Governers were appointed as trustees to Diyarbakır, Mardin, Van, Hakkari, Kulp, Karayazı, Nisaybin, Yüksekova, Kocaköy, Erçiş, Kayapınar, Bismil, Saray, Cizre, Kızıltepe, İpekyolu, İdil, Yenişehir, Hazro and Akpazar Municipalities.
The 14 HDP Co- Mayors who were arrested and sent to prison and their vote rates are as follows: 
Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Adnan Selçuk Mızraklı (62.9 percent), Kayapınar Municipality Co-Mayor Keziban Yılmaz (66.39 percent), Erçin Municipality Co-Mayor Yıldız Çetin (49.71 percent) and Kocaköy Municipality Co-Mayor Rojda Nazlıer (61.67 percent) on October 22 In 2019; Kulp Municipality Co-Mayors Mehmet Fatih Taş and Fatma Ay (49.97 percent) on 16 September 2019, Karayazı Municipality Melike Göksu (61.83 percent) on 17 September 2019, Nusaybin Municipality Co-Mayors Semire Nergis and Ferhat Kurt (77.42 percent) Hakkâri Municipality Co-Mayor Cihan Kahraman (59.97 percent) and Yüksekova Municipality Co-Mayors Remziye Yaşar and İrfan Sarı (66.18 percent) were arrested on 18 October 2019 and İpekyolu Municipality Co-Mayors Azim Yağcan and Şehzade Kurt (54.47 percent) were arrested on 11 November 2019.
Between 31 March and 12 November, a total of 30 HDP municipal councilors in Tatvan, Bağlar, Kayapınar, Çaldıran, Erdemit and Tusba municipalities were dismissed by the Ministry of Interior. At the same time, 5 HDP Municipal Councilors from Patnos, Silopi, Bağlar (2) and Sur municipalities were arrested. Two provincial councilors from Bitlis and Dersim were also arrested.
On September 9, 2019, 7 provincial councilors of HDP were simultaneously dismissed from office. All of the dismissed provincial council members were members of the Mus Provincial Council.
Municipal Councils were also extinguished following the appointment of trustees. The wills of 270 municipal councilors and 367 members of HDP who worked in those councils were also ignored. 
As a result of the extinguishment of the municipal councils, which are the decision-making bodies of the municipalities, the right of citizens to elect and manage the city were violated.
In this way, the 2 million 291 thousand voters who voted for in the jurisdiction of the trustee appointed municipalities have been ignored. 
The Mnistry of Interrior intervened to the Councils that were not won by HDP but the majority of the councils were from HDP like Tatvan City Council and Muş City Council. 
In Tatvan, AKP won the elections by 45,61 percent. But HDP recieved 43,37 percent in the Municipal Council Member elections. According to these results, HDP had 14 Municipal Council Members in Tatvan Municipality while AKP had 11. According to these results HDP had the majority of the municipal council. However, on May 21, 2019, 9 of the members of Tatvan Municipality Assembly were dismissed and with these dismissals, AKP is now represented by 11 members while HDP is represented by 4 members.
The same thing happened with Muş City Council.
According to the election results of the March 31, 2019 elections, the Provincial General Assembly of the province of Muş; HDP had 44.4 percent, AKP had 35.9 percent, MHP had 6 percent and CHP had 5.8 percent of the vote.
According to these results, the distribution of the Muş provincial general assembly memberships, which consist of a total of 48 memberships; HDP had 26 memberships, AKP had 19 memberships, MHP 2 memberships and CHP 1 membership.
7 Muş provincial council members of HDP were dismissed simultaneously on 9 September 2019 on the orders of the Ministry of Interior. The number of HDP members suddenly dropped to 19 which makes the memberships equal with AKP.
MA / Deniz Nazlım 

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