Some of the names of the ISIS members Turkey stationed in North and East Syria obtained

  • actual
  • 15:32 9 November 2019
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NEWS CENTER - The names of 76 senior executives of ISIS Turkey stationed in North and East Syria under the name of Syrian National Army were obtained. ANHA reported the ISIS members who attack the Kurds name by name with the regions they fight in.

The National Syrian Army Recep Tayyip Erdoğan refers as 'champions of Islam' turned out to be senior ISIS members. ANHA published the names of the 76 ISIS members wearing Syrian National Army uniforms. The ISIS members published by ANHA are as follows: 
1 - Basil Mihemmed Eleli: Code name Telha
He was born in the Syrian city of Humus. He is 23 years old. He joined ISIS in 2013. In 2017 he joined the Turkey backed El Hamza Division in Aleppo. He is currently in Suluk. 
2 - Basil Xesan al-Esurah: codenamed Abu Ûsame al Shami
He was born in 1993 in Damascus. In 2012 he joined El Nusra in Gûta. He moved to Siwêdê in 2014 and joined ISIS. In 2016, he established the Emin Xarici Battalion on behalf of ISIS and became an Emir. In 2017 he went to Turkey. He joined the  Al Hamza Division in the Efrin attack. He now fights in Gire Spi under Turkey's command.
3 - Beşar Simîd: Code name Ebû İslam El Qelemûnî
He was born in 1994 in El Nebik, Damascus. He joined ISIS in 2014. He fought in Damascus, Temdur and Tenef. He went to Turkey with Ebû Eymen El Iraqi from İdlib. He participated in the Efrin attack as batallion commander with Turkey backed Ahrar al -Sharqiya. He is now in Serekaniye.
4 - Beşîr El Emûrî: Code Name Ebû Ehmed El Tedmûrî
He was born in 1990. He joined ISIS in Humus in 2014. He went to Ezaz in 2017. He participated in the Efrin occupation with Sultan Murat Brigade. He is now in Serekaniye.
5 - Abdullah Ehmed Elebdelah 
Born in 1991 in Humus. He joined ISIS in 2014 and took part in the organization's intelligence work. He carried out an attack against International Coalition's airport. He escaped to Gûta. His was involved in a lot of thefts and looting. He joined the El Hamza Division in 2016 passing through areas where Turkey controls. He is now in Serêkaniyê.
6 - Abdullah El Şimerî: Code Name Ebû Telha El Şimerî
He is 20 years old. He was born in El Soxna village of Temdur. He joined Ahrar el Sharqiya, which is in Turkey's control. He is now in Gire Spi.
7 - Ebdelah Elzirêr: Code Name Ebû Cehfer
He was born in 1991 in Humus. He joined El Nusra in 2012. He joined ISIS in Damascus in 2014. He fought in Damascus, Aleppo and Elbitir. He joined Turkey's ranks in 2017 and recieve military training. He established Liwa El İslam gang  under the supervision of National Intelligence Service (MİT). He participated in the Efrin occupation with this group. He is now in Gire Spi.
8 - Abdullah Mihemed Eliwêd: Code Name Ebû Seyîf Elhelebî
He was born in 1989, in Aleppo. He joined ISIS in Aleppo in 2015. He posted photographs of him using an Dotchka from his Twitter account in 2016. He went to İdlib and then to Turkey in 2017. He recieved military training in El Hamza Division under the supervision of Turkish Armed Forces. He is now in Gire Spi.
9 - Abdullah Mihemed El-İnizî: Code Name Ebû Mihemed El Cezrawî
He was born in Saudi Arabia, Riyad. He is 27 years old. He joined ISIS in 2015 from Turkey. He fought in Reqa and Humus. He fought in Minbic with Ûsûd El-Ednanî Batallion. He joined Ahrar al Sharqiya, controlled by Turkey. He is now in Gire Spi.
10 - Ebdilrehman Mihêmid: Code Name Qesûre El Dêrî
He was born in Dêrazor in 1992. He joined El Nusra in 2012 in Dêrazor. He fought in Dêrazor, Dera and Hama. He posted his photographs from his social media account as El Nusra Emir. He joined Ahrar al -Sharqiya in 2016 which is in Turkey's control. He is now in Gire Spi.
11 - Kod adı Ebû Fêsel El Nihêmî
He was born in Temdur in 1990. He joined ISIS in Humus in 2014. He used ISIS heavy weapons and provided military training. He went to Idlib and fought with Feyleq Al-Sham. He left here with 20 gangs and joined the Sultan Murat Brigade. Now in Serêkaniyê.
12 – Kod adı Ebû Omer El Hatim
He is 32 years old born in Reqa. Joined ISIS in 2015.He went to Ezaz from Aleppo in 2017 . He attacked Serekaniye with Ahrar el Sharqiya in Turkey's ranks. He is now in Serekaniye.
13 - Ebû Silêman El Minbicî
He is 34 years old and was born in Minbic. He joined ISIS in Reqa in 2015. He joined Ahrar el Sharqiya in 2017 in Ezaz. He attacked Gire Spi in Turkey's ranks. He is now in Gire Spi.
14 – Kod adı Ebu Wefa El Tunisî          
He is 35 years old and was born in Tunisia. He joined ISIS in 2014 from Turkey. He was the Şer- i Emir of ISIS in Reqa. He was sent to Derazor with the same mission. He trained the new gang members about sharia as well as providing military training.He joined Ahrar al Sharqiya in 2017 in Ezaz. He provided training to a paramilitary group under the code name Ebu Wefa. He is now in Serekaniye.     
15 - Edehem Feteh El Şikerçî
Born in 1999 in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2013. He fought in Soxne, Temdur and Derazor. He went to Bab and Ezaz in 2017. He fought with Turkey backed gangs in Aleppo. He is now in Serekaniye.
16 - Ehmed El-Elî El-Casim El-Omer: Code Name Ebu İselam El-Şami  
He is 28 years old. He was born in El Kesrat. He joined ISIS in 2015 ,in Reqa. He used heavy weapons. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in 2017. He is now in Gire Spi.             
17 - Ehmed Elhamid: Code Name Ebû Furat Elhimsî
He was born in 1994 in the city of Temdur in Syria. He joined ISIS in 2015. He was responsible of mines. He went to Ezaz in 2017 and joined El Hamza Division.
18 -Ehmed Xalid El-Rehmûn: Code Name Ebû Mariya El-Ensarî
He was born in 1993 in Damascus. In 2013, he joined the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Within the framework of the US-train-equip program in Turkey he recieved military training. He left FSA in 2014 and joined ISIS. He went to İdlib in 2016 and joined El Hamza Division controlled by Turkey. He recieved weapons training from Mistefa El- Lobnani. He is now in Gire Spi.
19 - Elî Hesen Taha: Code Name Ebû Dewle Harûn
He is 27 years old. He was born in Derazor. he joined ISIS in 2015 in Şedade. He was responsible from Howitzers. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Ezaz in 2017. He is now in Serekaniye.
20 - Erwa Eshed Eldihêfis: Code Name Ebû Semîr Elhimsî.
He was born in Elxinéfis, Humus. He fought in Humus, Siweda and Tanaf. He came to Turkey in 2017. He fought in Turkey ranks in Sultan Murat Brigade in Bab. He then joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya and joined the occupation in Serekaniye.
21 - Fayiz Elebid Elkerîm: Code Name Ebû Fatime Elreqawî.
He is 23 years old. He was born in Reqa and joined ISIS in 2014. He was responsible for armament. He participated in the Efrin occupation with El Hamza Division, controlled by Turkey. He is now in Serekaniye.
22 - Fedî Qoseyî Sultan: Code Name Ebû Tirab Elşamî
He is 23. He was born in Damascus and joined ISIS in 2015. He fought in Reqa, Humus and Derazor. He joined Turkey backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya in 2017. He is now in Gire Spi.
23 - Fehid Selûm El-İdlibî: Code Name Ebû Elî Hewaciz.
He is 27, born in İdlib. He joined ISIS in 2014, in Reqa. He joined Turkey backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya in 2017 and participated in the attacks of National Syrian Army. He is now in Gire Spi.
24 - Fehid Xelef El-Elî El-Seyid: Code Name Seyîf El-İslam.
He was born in Gire Spi in 1998. He joined ISIS in 2015 in Reqa.He joined Turkey back El Hamza Division and participated in the Serekaniye attack with this gang. He is now in Serekaniye.
25 - Fehid Xelef Nercis: Code Name Ebu Xewle Mudadat
He is 23. He was born in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2014. He fought in Reqa and Derazor. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Suluk.
26 - Ferec Ehmed Elseyîd: Code Name Ebû Ebas Elêraqî
He was norn in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2014. He fought in Derazor and Reqa.  He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Serekaniye.
27 - Hemîd Elwan Elhesin: Code Name Ebû Selha Tew
He is 23. Born in Derazor. He joined ISIS in Haseke in 2014. He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Gire Spi.
28 - Hesen Xelîf El-Omer: Code Name: Ebû Omer El-Farûq.
He is 19, born in Reqa.  He joined Ahrar al- Sharqiya in Aleppo in 2017. He joined the Gire Spi attack with this Turkey backed gang. He is now in Serekaniye.
29 - Hesen Xilêf Elhesûnî: Code Name Ebû Ebdelah Xerîte
He is 37, he was born in Derazor. He joined ISIS in 2015 in Derazor. He first joined Ahrar al-Sharqiya in 2017 and then participated in El Hamza Division. He participated in the Gire Spi attack of Turkey. He is now in Gire Spi.
30 - Husam El-İdlibî: Code Name Ebû Mihemed Elemnî.
He is 37, born in İdlib, joined ISIS in Reqa in 2014. He joined the paramilitary groups in Turkey's control. He participated in the Gire Spi attack with Ahrar al-Sharqiya. He is now in Gire Spi.
31- Huzeyîfa Sehid: Code Name Ebu Zêd
He was born in Reqa. he joined ISIS in 2015 in Reqa. He then joined Sultan Murat Brigade and now he is with Ahrar al Sharqiya in Gire Spi.
32- Macid El Xalid (Hec Macid): Code Name Heci Ebu Omer El Ensari.
He was born in Humus in 1983. He was with Lİwa El Heq at the beginning of the Syrian Civil War. He joined ISIS in 2014. He was in the Hama organization and its military Emir. He contacted Turkey and went to İdlib with his group. He was the military command of El Hamza Division and he was in Turkey's ranks during the attacks against SDF. He is now in Serekaniye. 
33- Mesna Xelîl El Hesen: Code Name Ebu Aîşe El Tibnî
He is 25, his mother's name is Xedîca. He joined ISIS in 2013, at the El Tibnî district of Derazor. He was in charge of a military group in the Suxna district. He fled to Rai, Aleppo and joined Usud al Sharqiya. Now in Gire Spi.
34-Mihemed Asim El Sebra: Code Name Ebu El Hari El Ensari
He was born in 1996. He joined ISIS in 2014 in Humus. . In Damascus, he worked in the technical field under the command of Abu Mihemed. In early 2017, he joined the FSA and recieved mlitary training from American soldiers.Then he was assigned to Ezaz and 3 months later he joined the Al Hamza Division. He took part in the occupation of Efrîn, now in Gire Spi.
35-Mihemed Besam Misto
He was born in 1995, in İdlib. Mother's name is Nura. He joined El Nusra in İdlib, Cisur in 2015.He joined the Al Hamza Division in 2017 and is now in Siluk with Al Hamza Division
36- Mihemed Ehmed Siwês: Code Name Ebu Ehmed El Humusî
He was born in 1995 in Humus. He joined ISIS in Damascus in 2015. He took part in Bitir-Tenef and Tedmur attacks. Then he joined the Ahrar al- Sharqiya and recieved military training in Turkey. He participated in the Efrin and Shehba attacks. He is now in Gire Spi.
37- Mihemed Elbedireh: Code Name Ebu Cilêbib
He was born in 1994 in Humus. In 2015, he joined ISIS in Humus and took part in the Shahar-Teyfur and Cezra attacks. In 2017, he went to Ezaz via an external security unit called Beşair. He joined the Al Hamza Division in 2018 and took part in the attacks in Şehba. Now in Serêkaniyê.
There is a photo showing Mihemed taking place in ISIS. Another photo shows that he is now in the Sultan Murat Brigade.
38- Mihemed El Hemdan: Code Name Decane El Iraqî
He was born in 1980 in Iraq. In 2003, he moved to Syria and settled in Humus. He is one of the founders of ISIS. He was a military Emir in Sehra province and took part in the clashes in Humus, Damascus and Hama. In 2017, he moved from Hama to Idlib and founded the Siqûr Elbadiyê Battalion of Sultan Murat. Most members of the group were ISIS members. He joined the Efrîn attack with this group, now in Girê Spî.
39-Mihemed Enes El-Êbêd: Code Name Enes Elherbî
He was born in 1995 in Humus. He joined ISIS in Humus in 2015 and took part in the attacks of Tedmur, Tenef region, Heqil Elshahir. In 2016 he was appointed to Emin Xaricî (external security). Then he joined the Sultan Murat Brigade. He received military training in Turkey. He joined Ahrar al-Sharqiya. He took part in the attacks of Efrîn and Til Rifat. Now in Gire Spi.
There is a photo of Mihemed Enes El Êbêd in ISIS ranks and one in Turkey's ranks.
40- Mihemed Omer El Berxeş: Code Name Ebu Xalid Eyaş
He is 23. He was born in Derazor, Eyash. His mother's name is Zehra. He joined ISIS in Derazor, El Tıbni in 2014. He was responsible from the heavy weapons. He went to Minbic and fleed to Ezaz in 2016. He joined Ahrar El Sharqiya and now he is in Gire Spi with them.
TOMORROW: The rest of the list will be published. Sofyan El Qishim who beheaded Doctor peter Kassig from USA and Ebu Sedam El Ensari who massacred Kurdish politician Hevrin Xalef will be on that list.

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