Kurdish Red Crescent: 13 civilians died, 46 wounded

  • actual
  • 15:30 12 October 2019
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NEWS DESK - Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent) has released a report entitled “Turkish and Islamic groups military invasion in Northeast Syria”. According to the report, 13 civilians have died and 46 civilians have been wounded in three days of Turkey’s offensive on Northeast Syria.

Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent) has released a report entitled “Turkish and Islamic groups military invasion in Northeast Syria”. According to the report, 13 civilians have died and 46 civilians have been wounded in three days of Turkey’s offensive on Northeast Syria. The report also emphasizes that 191,069 people have been forcibly displaced.
The report says 13 people have died and 46 people have been injured in the attacks. Three of them were between the ages 60-70 (male) in Kobani and Qamishli.
Two of the dyed civilians were from the largest Christian Neighborhood (Bisheriya) in NE Syria. Eight dead cases (male and female) between the ages 11-73 (male and female) six from Serekaniye and two from Qamishli.
According to the report, 46 civilians, including children, have been injured in three days.
The incidents in three days recorded in the report. The recorded incidents are as follows;
On 11th of October:
Clashes continued overnight in the western and eastern outskirts of Ras Al Ain Town, with OAG advances recorded in the industrial area of the town. Conflict activity decreased after 1100hrs today.
Tell Abiad Sub-District, during the night SDF regained control over Tel Fender and Yasbseh villages, and OAGs regained control of Yasbseh in the morning. This morning, indirect fire attacks continued south of Tell Abiad town, mainly in and around Badi and Ein Al-Arus (south west) and Breighi (south east).
 Additionally, last night, cross border indirect fire and cross border clashes were recorded across Quamishli and Al-Malikeyyeh Districts. Following the cross-border exchanged in AlMalikeyyeh Sub-District, TAF artillery reinforcement was sent across the border from Hiyaka town.
- In Quamishli city, indirect fire was observed on 4 occasions between onto Qanat Al-Sweis and western neighborhoods of the city as well as onto the Asayish training centre of Himo.
- Elsewhere, one artillery strike was recorded onto Samasakh/ Bostan and Zheiriyeh in Malikeyyeh Sub-District, one onto Tal Khatun in Qahtaniya Sub-District and one indirect fire occurred north of Mabruka town.
 A car bomb exploded today in Qamishlo in Monir Habib street (one main road of Qamishlo) and as a result one civilian was killed and 5 were injured in front of one popular restaurant (Omari).
 - Since the last night all Eindiwar town was evacuated afterwards the civilian houses were burned by turkish armee/FSA.
Mabruka camp (Ras al Ain district) had to evacuate all the IDPs to other camps due to the threating and targeting from the Turkish army and the rebels (FSA).
In the late evening conflicts in Alhol camp in the annex which contain ISIS families where reported by our team. The camp security responded. In the time of writing the tensions are still ongoing. No casualties reported yet.
 Five ISIS fighters could escape from the main prison in Qamishli, after targeting by Turkish forces. Reported by Asayish (Kurdish police).
The report says there is lack of water in whole area of Hassakeh, due to the targeting the main water station in Alok, which covers more than 500.000 people. This is also affecting all hospitals in this region and electricity and phone network is getting decreasing in general in all the areas, especially in the border strip.

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