73 bar association made a call to the Supreme Court for Cumhuriyet Newspaper writers

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  • 16:18 6 August 2019
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NEWS DESK - 73 Bar Presidents who made a call for the former Cumhuriyet Newspaper employees in prison, demanded the supreme court to intervene to this injustice.
Bar presidents made a call to the supreme board to release the former Cumhuriyet Newspaper employees, the bars and the bar presidents calling on to the Supreme Court is as follows: 
• Adana Bar Association Att. Veli Küçük,
• Adıyaman Bar Association Att. Mustafa Köroğlu,
• Afyonkarahisar Bar Association Att. Turgay Şahin,
• Ağrı Bar Association Att. Mehmet Salih Aydın,
• Aksaray Bar Association Att. Ramazan Erhan Toprak,
• Amasya Bar Association Att. Melik Derindere,
• Ankara Bar Association Att. R.Erinç Sağkan,
• Antalya Bar Association Att. Polat Balkan,
• Artvin Bar Association Att. Ali Uğur Çağal,
• Aydın Bar Association Att. Gökhan Bozkurt,
• Balıkesir Bar Association Att. Erol Kayabay,
• Bartın Bar Association Att. Ferhat Parlatır,
• Batman Bar Association Att. Abdulhamit Cakan,
• Bilecik Bar Association Att. Halime Aynur,
• Bingöl Bar Association Att. Hanifi Budancamanak,
• Bolu Bar Association Att. Sabri Erhendekçi,
• Burdur Bar Association Att. Ramazan Gedik,
• Bursa Bar Association Att. Gürkan Altun,
• Canakkale Bar Association Att. Bülent Şarlan,
• Çorum Bar Association Att. Kenan Yaşar
• Denizli Bar Association Att. Müjdat İlhan,
• Diyarbakır Bar Association Att. Cihan Aydın,
• Duzce Bar Association Att. Azade Ay,
• Edirne Bar Association Att. Alper Pınar,
• Elazığ Bar Association Att. Mustafa Yentür,
• Eskişehir Bar Association Att. Mustafa Elagöz,
• Gaziantep Bar Association Att. Bektas Şarklı,
• Giresun Bar Association Att. Soner Karademir,
• Gümüşhane-Bayburt District Bar Association Att. Serkan Pekmezci:
• Hakkari Bar Association Att. Zeydin Kaya
• Hatay Bar Association Att. Ekrem Dönmez,
• Iğdır Bar Association Att. Serkan Alakan,
• Isparta Bar Association Att. Ünsal Çankaya,
• Istanbul Bar Association Att. Mehmet Durakoğlu,
• Izmir Bar Association Att. Özkan Yücel,
• Kahramanmaraş Bar Association Att. Muhammed Burak Gül,
• Kastamonu Bar Association Att. Ozgur Demir,
• Kayseri Bar Association Att. Cavit Dursun,
• Kırklareli Bar Association Att. Turgay Hınız,
• Kırşehir Bar Association Att. Mehtap Tuzcu,
• Kocaeli Bar Association Att. Bahar Gültekin Candemir,
• Konya Bar Association Att. Mustafa Aladağ,
• Malatya Bar Association Att. Enver Han,
• Manisa Bar Association Att. Ali Arslan,
• Mardin Bar Association Att. Celebi Araz,
• Mersin Bar Association Att. Bilgin Yesilbogaz,
• Mus Bar Association Att. Abdulbaki Celebi,
• Nigde Bar Association Att. Osman Çimen,
• Army Bar Association Att. Haluk Murat Poyraz,
• Osmaniye Bar Association Att. Halil Yavuzdoğan,
• Rize Bar Association Att. Ümit Peçe,
• Sakarya Bar Association Att. Abdurrahim Burak,
• Siirt Bar Association Att. Nizam Dilek,
• Sinop Bar Association Att. Hicran Kandemir,
• Şanlıurfa Bar Association Att. Abdullah Öncel,
• Şırnak Bar Association Att. Nuşirevan Elçi,
• Tekirdağ Bar Association Att. Sedat Tenekeci,
• Tokat Bar Association Att. Melih Yardimci,
• Trabzon Bar Association Att. Sibel Suiçmez,
• Tunceli Bar Association Att. Kenan Çetin,
• Usak Bar Association Att. Emin Coşkun,
• Van Bar Association Att. Zülküf Uçar
• Yalova Bar Association Att. Fedayi Dogru,
• Yozgat Bar Association Att. Mehmet Simsek,
• Zonguldak Bar Association Att. Özel Eroğlu.
• Kilis Bar Association Hayri Av. Muammer Fazlıağaoğlu
• Muğla Bar Association Att. Cumhur Uzun

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