Artists took stage for Hasankeyf: We must do our best


İSTANBUL - Artists who gathered around the Initiative for Keeping Hasankeyf Alive, made a call and said: "Everyone should do their best to keep Hasankeyf from submerging.

The Initiative for Keeping Hasankeyf Alive organized a concert in Collective Terrace stating that it is not too late for Hasankeyf.
Artists Apolas Lermi, Ali Doğan Gönültaş, Cem Erdost İleri, Çiğdem Karaman, Çiğdem Ülkü, Doğan Çelik, Diljen Roni, Dodan, Erkan Oğur, İsmail Hakkı Demircioğlu, Fungistanbul, İlker İsabetli, Gerduni, Seyr-i Cem, Luxus, Meltem Taşkıran, Merih Aşkın, Musa Baki, Mübin Dünen, Pınar Aydınlar, Sema Moritz, Talebe ve Taylan Yıldız and many citizens attended the concert.
Nilüfer Perihan Kurtoğlu, who spoke on behalf of the Hasankeyf Initiative, read the joint press statement.
Kurtoğlu said: " Hasankeyf and Tigris Valley who they claim to be submerging since the 80's, still resisting with the help of national and international non governmental organizations and millions of people who have opposed the dam for years. There is noone left in our country that do not know about Hasankeyf. Unfortunately, the risk is increasing day by day. Everyone has to their best so that Hasankeyf is not submerged."
Journalist Metin Yoksu who spoke after Kurtoğlu, stating that he is there because he believes it is not too late for Hasankeyf, drew attention to the interviews he has done with the people of Hasaneyf, and said: "The people living in the region are getting their strength from people like you. If the intelligentsia and the artists believe that it is not too late for Hasankeyf and give messages to the people in that direction, we can save Hasankeyf.
The artists took stage after the speaches and told it was not too late for Hasankeyf and that it should not be given up to rent.

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