Forced to give birth handcuffed

  • actual
  • 14:36 10 April 2019
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İZMİR- Rabia Bıyıklı who was forced to give birth in handcuffs suffering through inducing labor for 2 days during the time she was a prisoner in Elazığ Women'S Closed Prison, wrote about the torture she endured with her infant Mavi.

Rabia Bıyıklı stated that she was 5 months pregnant when she was taken under custody on September 10, 2018 said she was kept under custody for 10 days even though she was pregnant and had hemorrhage due to the treatment she was subjected to. Bıyıklı stating that she was faced to face with the danger of losing her, said on September 20 she was arrested and brought to Elazığ Women's Closed Prison.
Bıyıklı wrote: "I want to tell you the story of my 45 days old baby. Me and my infant Mavi have gone through many violations of rights that are incompatible with human dignity" in her letter where she told her story.
Bıyıklı who stated that she was going to check ups in handcuffs when she was pregnant, said: "The worst of it was when I was brought to Elazığ Fetih Sekin Hospital for labor. I went to the hospital for labor and I stayed there for 2 days.I was tied to bed with handcuffs the entire time.They induced labor for 2 days. I tried to endure that in handcuffs not being able to move my hands.They told me this was a precaution for my 'flee risk'. How can a person run in labor? This was a torture not compatible with human dignity and I endured that for 2 days straight."
Bıyıklı stating that the torture did not stop after the labor, said: "We were exiled to another prison with my baby Mavi when she was just 38 days old. This was not the worst of the hardships we have gone through with my baby but it was one of the worst. We were put in a transfer vehicle not much bigger than a coffin. Because I gave birth with caesarean section, my stitches was not healed yet.And my baby Mavi was facing the world the first time under these circumstances."

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