Güven's hunger strike is a cry out against the İmralı segregation

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  • 11:22 16 November 2018
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İZMİR- HDP Central Executive Committee member Mahfuz Güleryüz who went on a hunger strike with 100 other prisoners in 1995, expressed the reason for DTK Co-chair and HDP Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven's hunger strike is loud and clear and said: " Leyla Güven's hunger strike emerged as a cry out against İmralı segregation and the silence of the society."
People's Deocratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Committee member Mahfuz Güleryüz who stayed in an hunger strike for 47 days to point out the unlawfulness in Turkey have evaluated Democratic Society Congress Co-chair and People'S Democratic Party Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven's hunger stike.
Güleryüz who indicated that he was in an hunger strike for 47 days with 100 other prisoners, said: "We demanded peace, brotherhood,equality, and law when we started the hunger strike. We had worries  about the future of our country. Today, Leyla's hunger strike is similar. It aims to keep our children alive and end the period of chaos."
100 tutuklu ile birlikte 47 gün açlık grevinde kaldıklarını belirten Güleryüz, “Biz açlık grevine girerken ülkenin siyasal durumuna karşı; barış, kardeşlik, eşitlik ve hukukun tesis edilmesi taleplerinde bulunuyorduk. Ülkenin geleceğine dair kaygılar taşıyorduk. Bugün Leyla vekilimizin başlatmış olduğu açık grevi benzer içeriktedir. Ülkede çocukların gelecekte ölmemesi ve kaos sürecinin bitmesi için  geliştirilmiş bir eylemselliktir” dedi. 
Güleryüz, stating that Leyla Güven's hunger strike is a cry out agains the segregation is İmralı, said: "It is a step towards a solution."
Güleryüz added: "The hunger strike of Leyla güven must be supported by the non-governmental organizations and democratic masses. That'S how we break the segregation and secure a solution." 

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