Enthusiastic Newroz celebration begins in Istanbul

  • actual
  • 13:13 23 March 2025
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ISTANBUL - Newroz celebration organised under the slogan "Democratic Society for Freedom" started in Istanbul. People embraced the call of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan with the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo". 
The Newroz celebration organised by the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) under the slogan "Democratic Society for Freedom" started in Istanbul. In the morning, people started to flow to Yenikapı where the celebration was held. Citizens were kept waiting at the gate for a long time and were admitted to the area after a body search. Tens f thousands of people who came to the arew with DEM Party flags and "Newroz azadiye (Newroz is freedom)" banners stopped to dance to the music.
The area was decorated with yellow, red and green colours and a banner reading "We stand by the call for peace and democratic society" was hung. The slogans "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)", "Bê Serok Jiyan Nabe (Without Leader there is no life)", "Jin, jiyan, azadî (Woman, life, freedom)" and "Bijî Newroz (Long live Newroz)" were chanted. The celebration started with a minute of silence. Then the organising committee and DEM Party Istanbul co-chairs greeted the people.
DEM Party Provincial Co-chair Arife Çınar said, "We are fighting for the construction of a democratic society. We celebrate the Newroz of Mr Abdullah Öcalan who made the call of the century. We will struggle for democracy together for the reconciliation of the peoples of Turkey. We are against all anti-democratic practices."  
Provincial Co-chair Çınar Altan said, "We celebrate the Newroz of the honourable Kurdish people and the peoples who struggle. Our peoples are giving the necessary answer to both friend and foe."

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