Prisoner on hunger strike: We want the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan

  • actual
  • 14:36 30 November 2023
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İZMİR - Talip Yakışır, one of the prisoners on hunger strike in Menemen Type T Prison, said: "We want the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan."
Prisoner Talip Yakışır, who is in Menemen Type T Prison, announced that he was on a rotating hunger strike that started on November 27, demanding the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign. In his phone conversation with his family, Yakışır said: "We were on a hunger strike and that our actions would continue until our demands were met."
Yakışır's message is as follows: "We have been on hunger strike since November 27 for the freedom of Leader Apo and the solution of the Kurdish issue. Our protest has passed its 4th day. Our strike is currently continuing alternately. It is not yet clear what the next process will be. As prisoners on hunger strike, we are very good. I can say that our morale and enthusiasm reach the sky. The more strength we give ourselves with the spirit of freedom, the closer we get to freedom. The freedom halay in the mountains gives spirit to our body. Always stay with goodness, halay(Kurdish dance) and enthusiasm."

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