Director whose film was censored in Slemani says it is a shame

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  • 10:55 23 December 2021
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URFA - Ersin Celik, the director of Ji Bo Azadiyê, which was removed from the 5th International Film Festival in Sulaymaniyah, stated that the decision was political and said, "This decision will remain a black mark in history. It's a shame."

The movie "Ji Bo Azadiyê" (For Freedom), directed by Ersin Çelik, was removed from the 5th International Film Festival in Sulaymaniyah on December 18, shortly before the screening of the movie, without any reason. Although 5 days have passed since the film was canceled, no official statement was made. After the film was removed from the festival program, Rojava Film Commune released a statement, announcing that it was withdrawing the films "Dema Dirîreşkan" (Blackberry Time) and Ronak from the festival. In the statement, it was noted that they participated in the festival at the request of the festival organizers, but that there was an "outside" influence on the festival.
Ersin Celik, the director of Ji Bo Azadiyê, evaluated the reason why the film was removed from the festival program to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA).
Pointing out that the film was removed from the program shortly before the screening, Çelik stated that there was no explanation for the removal of the film from the program. Stating that they participated in the festival upon the invitation of the festival organisers, Çelik said, “They sent us an invitation in October and asked us to participate. We came to Slemani to attend the festival upon invitation. Ji Bo Azadiyê was supposed to be screened on the 2nd day of the festival, on December 18, in the evening. The festival management called us a few hours before the screening and claimed that the film was shot in 2019, and they said that the film will not be screened in accordance with the festival rules.
Pointing out that the reason put forward by the festival management is far from the truth, Çelik said, “When we sent the copies of the films to the festival management, we stated that they were made in 2019. In addition, there is no regulation that old productions cannot be shown at the festival. We also informed them that the movie Ji Bo Azadiyê was banned in Sulaymaniyah in 2019 on the grounds that it might disrupt the "security and stability of the city". They were aware of this. The main reason for the removal of the film from the program is the pressure from the Turkish Consulate. They could not admit it, but we know that it is a political decision."
Pointing out that there was a backlash from cinema lovers when the film was removed from the program but he was dissappointed that the Kurdish directors did not protest the way he anticipated. Çelik said: "This explains why the Kurdish cinema can not develop. Cinema and art should be a free platform. We would have protested if another film was censored no matter who made it.  We would have withdrew our own film in protest. The Kurdish directors should have done something even if they did not withdraw their films. The bans and censorship did not start with Ji Bo Azadiyê and it will not be the last film to be censored."
Stating that there were two Kurdish films in the festival among 16 films, Çelik said: "One of them was Ji Bo Azadiyê and the other was Dema Dirîreşkan. One was censored and the other one's director withdrew the film in protest. Now there are no Kurdish films in the festival. As long as the Kurdish directors does not take a stand against these censorship, Kurdish movie can not develop. Art starts with a stance. We do not dwell on why the film was not included in the competition. They invited us and we came here. There was a scheduled time for the screening. They could have just screened it and remove the film from the competition. This will be a black mark and a shame in the history of the Slemani International Film Festival."
MA / Emrullah Acar 

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