Journalist Mame: KDP will lose if it goes to war


NEWS CENTER - Underlining KDP's role in the cross border operations of Turkey, journalist Shaswar Mame said: ""If the KDP engages in a war with the Kurds despite the people, it will suffer a great loss. If it can't stand against the occupation, it should not be a part of this war and side with the occupying forces."

The operations launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 23 continue. The KDP, which showed an attitude of leading the operations of the TAF from day one, went one step further and shifted its military force to the Metina area, further strengthening the perceptions of joint action with Turkey. As a result, the reaction of the Kurdish public towards the KDP is growing day by day. The KDP, on the other hand, is trying to attract other political parties in the Federal Kurdistan Parliament to reduce the backlash.
Shaswar Mame, who worked as a journalist in Federated Kurdistan for many years, evaluated the policy followed by the KDP, their attitude and the steps taken by the KDP.
Shaswar Mame, who stated that Turkey and the KDP have developed their military relations in recent years and acted around a common concept, stated that dozens of military bases, National Intelligence Organization (MIT) centers and schools were opened in the region by Turkey in the last two years.
Pointing out that Turkey deployed troops to the border lines of the Federated Region during the last few years and act in line with the KDP, Mame said: "“We see this clearly in the recent statements made by the KDP. Everyone watches with amazement as the KDP tries to deploy forces in areas where HPG members have been deployed for years. As a result of the agreement reached between the PKK, PUK and KDP in the 90s, the PKK settled in the areas where it is today. Looking at the steps taken by the KDP, it seems that a war decision has been taken.”
Recalling what happened in the Zînî Wertê region last year, Mame said, “The KDP and Turkey have reached an agreement. According to this agreement, many areas in the region will be under the control of Turkey. But more than that, Başur's political will was captured. Therefore, the KDP cannot act outside of Turkey's interests, cannot say a single thing or make a statement without its approval, which will put it in a difficult position.”
Drawing attention the the fact that KDP administrators has been warmongering through media, Mame said that the KDP can not risk going into war with the PKK despite the reactions from the people. Mame said: "If they chose to go to war despite these reactions it will suffer a great loss. They will not be able to prevent the backlash. However, Turkey continues to threat KDP to go to war with the PKK. Unfortunately, since there is no political will within the KDP, Turkey can easily exercise power over the KDP, which harms the regional interests. KDP's relationship with Turkey harms Kurdistan. This is like that since forever. Turkey is persecuting the Kurds and despite this, the KDP legitimizes the rhetorics of Turkey. This attitude is neither national, nor moral. If the Kurdistan Regional Government was independent and had independent authorities, it would stand against this invasion."
Pointing out that the KDP has improved its political and diplomatic relations with the international coalition officials in the region, Mame said, “By using these relations, it could have responded to Turkey and stand against the Turkish occupation. But unfortunately, it has not taken a single step towards the occupation so far. On the other hand, KDP is legitimazing the Turkish occupation with its statements. It has lost a lot until now with this attitude and will continue to do so. It is very irresponsible and acts just like Turkey. KDP has to abandon this attitude. If it can't stand against the occupation, it should not act in line with the occupying forces."
MA / Mahmut Ruvanas

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