SDF, Moscow and Damascus reach an agreement on Ain Issa

  • actual
  • 10:32 9 December 2020
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NEWS CENTER - SDF commanders and military officials from Russia and the Syrian government held a meeting in Ain Issa.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Russia and Damascus government have reportedly reached an agreement on the northern Syrian town of Ain Issa that has been repeatedly targeted by the occupant Turkish state’s increasingly ongoing attacks in recent weeks.
According to the Rojava-based Hawar News Agency (ANHA) citing military sources, SDF commanders and military officials from Russia and the Syrian government held a meeting in Ain Issa.
During the meeting, the parties decided for the establishment of three observation points in and around Ain Issa. The joint observation points will be used for the observation of the current ceasefire agreement and the violations of the Turkish state.
SDF has not made an official statement on the mentioned agreement yet.

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