'Women's struggle everywhere' campaign kicked off 2020-06-08 22:18:37   ANKARA - The ‘Women's struggle everywhere’ campaign organised by the HDP Women's Council began today with a press release in Kuğulu Park, in Ankara. Despite the police attempts to block the statement, HDP Women's Council spokeswoman Ayşe Acar Başaran read the statement. "Many women and people were hit by the anti-social policies implemented by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic," said the statement underlining the arrest of HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven, who “dedicated her life to the struggle for women.” The Women's Council of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) had announced that the campaign against the attacks on the women's movement will include actions against labour exploitation, war, isolation, violence, child abuse, patriarchal rule, gender injustice, poverty, discrimination, racism, nationalism and hate speech. The topic of the first week is child abuse and the related law planned in Turkey to legalize sexual abuse of minors in case of marriage between perpetrator and victim. To this end, street actions and women's assemblies are set to take place throughout the country. The issue is also on the agenda in the Turkish parliament.