HDP Co-Chair Temelli is in Cizre: You should first solve the Kurdish problem 2020-02-02 19:01:55 ŞIRNAK – Giving a speech at the Cizre congress of his party, HDP Co-chair Sezai Temelli said that the Kurdish people will not live without a recognized status for another century and continued: "If you want to solve whatsoever problem in this country, you should first solve the Kurdish problem."   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Cizre District Organization held its 3rd Ordinary Congress in the party building with the slogan "Let's organize with hope and courage, let’s overthrow fascism". HDP Co-Chairperson Sezai Temelli, deputies from HDP, HDP co-mayors and managers from the district attended the congress.   'AKP WILL GO DOWN WITH BOTAN'S RESISTANCE'   Cizre Municipality Co-Mayor Berivan Kutlu, who was taken from her duty with an appointed trustee said, “We will reach success with Cizre and Botan. We will be worthy of our people until the last drop of our blood. We will not bow the heads of the the people of Cizre down before anyone. With the resistance of Cizre and Botan, we will let go of the AKP government. AKP will take its dark place in the history.”   ‘KURDISH PEOPLE WILL NOT LIVE WITHOUT A RECOGNIZED STATUS FOR ANOTHER CENTURY’    Addressing the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, HDP Şırnak MP Hüseyin Kaçmaz stated that the Kurds were tried to be left without status for a century and continued, “The people of Cizre paid a great deal. They should know that the price they paid will not be for nothing. All those who say they will destroy the Kurdish people now fall apart. Those who ignore Kurdish people are disappearing one by one. Kurdish people have been exploited for 100 years, and they will not live without a recognized status for another century.”    ‘WE WILL ASK THE ACCOUNTS OF THE MASSACRES’    HDP Co-chair Temelli greeted the people of Cizre and started his speech. “We have never surrendered to any kind of cruelty of the fascist mindset. A thousand greetings to those who do not surrender. I stand with reverence and respect before all those who have lost their lives on this path. I bow with respect before Mehmet Tunç, Cemile, Taybet Mother, and all those friends whom we lost with Mehmet Tunç. It is our duty to ask the account of these massacres when the time of peace and justice comes to this country.”   CALL FOR ‘DEMOCRACY ALLIANCE’   Stating “We will raise the struggle shoulder by shoulder with all those who demand democracy and peace for this country” Temelli pointed out that Kurdish people are not alone. Temelli continued his speech as follows: “We will maintain our standing on the third way. We will arrange our great congress on February 23. WE have raised a call for democracy alliance. WE have invited all laborers, farm workers, women and the youth to be united under this alliance. This alliance means to be organized street by street and home by home.  We will bring a government where the authority and the decision belong to the public into life all together. There will definitely be an early election. We should invite everyone to this alliance without externalizing anyone.”