MKG and DFG: Let’s be voice of Pexshan Ezîzî 2024-07-31 15:56:47 AMED - MKG and DFG made a statement on Kurdish journalist Pexshan Ezîzî, who is sentenced to death by the Iranian regime, and called for “Let's be the voice of Pexshan Ezîzî”.    Mezopotamya Women Journalists Association (MKG) and Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) held a press conference regarding the death sentence given to Pexshan Ezîzî, a Kurdish journalist imprisoned in Iran, for “membership in groups that started an armed uprising against the Islamic government and whose leaders were involved in the rebellion” during her trial on July 23. Journalists attended the meeting held at the DFG building.    Speaking at the press conference, MKG Chair Roza Metina said that journalists do not give up writing the truth against all pressure and force. Stating that journalists are the voice of the people with their pen, Metina said that the governments prevent journalists from writing the truth. Metina said: “Journalists who write and share the truth have always been put on trial,” Metina said. Referring to the pressures against Kurdish journalists, Metina reminded that the websites of the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) and JINNEWS have been blocked many times and the sentences given to 8 journalists in the trial in Ankara. Stating that similar attacks continue in Rojhilat and South Kurdistan, Metina said that journalists are also targeted in Rojava. Metina said, “On July 8, Turkey attacked Medya Hasan, Mirad Mîrza and ÇIRA TV employee Xelef Xidir in Şengal with UCAVs. Mirad Mîrza lost his life in the attack.”    REACTION TO DEATH SENTENCE   Reminding that the Iranian regime sentenced journalist and human rights defender Pexshan Ezîzî to death, “Kurdish journalist Pexshan Ezîzî has always defended women's rights and resisted for the freedom of oppressed rights. Ezîzî, who wrote with the awareness that ‘the freedom of women is the freedom of society’, was arrested and sentenced to death by the Iranian regime for not bowing down” Metina said.    Stating that the Iranian regime implements monist, murderous and hostile policies, Metina said: “Iran wants to strangle the desire for free life with execution. As free press workers, we express that we do not accept the sentence given to Kurdish journalist Pexshan Ezîzî. This lawlessness must end as soon as possible. We invite everyone to raise their voices against this unlawfulness imposed on Pexshan Ezîzî by the Iranian regime.”