Police threat protesting workers: Your children will not find work 2024-09-09 15:42:07 ISTANBUL- Police threatened workers who were fired for unionizing and demanded their jobs back, saying: “If I detain you, your children will not be able to find jobs even if they are smart.”  The resistance of the workers who were fired after organizing with Tekgıda-İş against low wages, pressure and mobbing at the Çatalca Polonez factory continues on its 53rd day. The police intervened the Polonez workers who did not allow the workers brought by the employer to break the strike to enter the factory.   'IT IS THE BOSS WHO DOES THE LAWLESSNESS'   In an attempt to break the resistance of the striking workers, Çatalca Police Chief threatened the workers by saying, “If I detain you and take judicial action, even if your child is smart, he/she will not be able to get a job.”    The workers reacted to the police chief saying, “Do you have a conscience?” and “This is a threat.” Tekgıda-İş Organizing Specialist Yunus Durdu said that what they were doing was a legal action and responded to the threat by saying: “The real lawbreaker here is the Polonez boss who unfairly dismissed the workers, and as a result of the legal action we are doing here, there can be no situation like no one's child not finding a job.”    WORKERS INJURED   As a result of the police intervention against Polonez workers, many workers were injured. Despite all attempts to prevent them, the workers' action in front of the factory continues.