Osmanağaoğlu: Paramilitary forces are mobilized 2020-05-14 13:36:35 İSTANBUL - Feminist researcher Hülya Osmanağaoğlu, who stated that the increasing hate speech and attacks are directly related to the politics followed by the government, said that the paramilitary forces are mobilized. The hate speech against the marginalized has increased lately. In recent days, those who have been targeted by the supporters of the government are exposed to the death treats on Tv screens openly.  Cemetery attacks, the attack on the funeral of İbrahim Gökçek, a member of Grup Yorum, the armed police violence against Kurdish children in Nusaybin and the targeting of LGBTI+ individuals by the Religious Affairs Directorate remain on the agenda. Feminist researcher Hülya Osmanağaoğlu stated that these attacks are not independent from the politics pursued by AKP government.   HATE POLITICS   Stating that AKP which created a legal order of its own, organizes gate politics in the society, Osmanağaoğlu said that the most concrete example of this is the shooting of a small Kurdish child in Nusaybin.  Osmanağaoğlu said, "While the law enforcement agencies are organizing, they are not organized by public authority, but by hate politics."   Pointing at Sevda Noyan who said 'We could not get what we wanted in July 15. We couldn't do all the things we wanted. They should watch their steps. There are a few people in our housing complex (she wanted to kill). My list is ready', Osmanoağaoğlu emphasized that people who talk like this get mobilized when they are needed. Lately someone wrote on the wall of an Armanian church that they infect the people with coronavirus. This clearly shows that paramilitary forces are now mobilized."   NOT A COINCIDENCE   Stating that the targeting of the LGBTI+ individuals by the Religious Affairs Minister Ali Erbaş while they are preparing for the pride week is not a coincidence, said this was a call for violence against the LGBTI+ individuals.    Emphasizing the importance of considering the new law of execution and the increase in violence together, Osmanağaoğlu said: "The male violence on women is tried to be legitimized in the society.The voice of feminists and women's organizations is tried to be reduced with pressure." Underlining that it is essential for all social segments targeted by the AKP to stand side by side against this organized hate, Osmanağaoğlu said that everyone should assume responsibility in this regard."     MA / Semra Turan