Günay: Government provides the police with an armour of impunity 2020-05-13 10:47:45   MARDİN - HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay who referred to the police chasing the children and firing his gun into the air in Nusaybin as the reflection of the kostility towards Kurds on the street, reminding of the similar cases in the history, said the government provides the police with an armour of impunity.   Reactions against the police chasing the children and firing his gun into the air in the TOKİ housing complex in Nusaybin. A police officer fired his gun into the air and caught an 8 year old boy, B.E, and seized him by the collar, dragging him to the armoured vehicle and battered him there. While the dismissal of the police in question did not ease the reactions of the people, many segments of the society wanted the police officer to be arrested.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson and Mardin MP Ebru Günay who spoke to B.E's parents, told about what happened.   VIOLENCE AND AKP POLICIES   Explaining that the police violence is directly related to the policy of AKP, Günay said AKP is profiteering from every crisis and increases its authority, oppression and persecution. Stating that the increase in police violence is directly related to the AKP policies, said the oppression reached a concerning level."   HOSTILITY TOWARDS THE KURDS   Protesting the statement made by the Governorate, claiming the children were throwing stones, said: "The stone a child that young throws would not do any harm. He probably seed this as a game. The real problem here is using uncontrolled power. The number of police being prosecuted for torture and ill- treatment is very few. They are usually assigned to other places under the pretense of relocation or rewarded in another way."   Günay said: "When we look at what is going on in the street, we see police violence in every corner in Kurdistan. We did not forget the special forces police breaking the arm of a child in Hakkari. If that police officer was punished, if the police officer in Adana who shot a child in the heart was punished, if the police officer that killed Uğur Kaymaz was punished, the police in Nusaybin would not be able to dare doing this. The government provides the police with an armour of impunity and they do whatever they like with the gun in their hand. Police do not act in accordance with proportional power."   MA / Ahmet Kanbal