Call from Grup Yorum 2020-05-12 11:35:23 İSTANBUL - Condemning the threats and attacks against the grave of their member İbrahim Gökçek who lost his life, Grup Yorum made a call to all artists, MPs and democratic mass organizations. Grup Yorum condemned the attack against İbrahim Gökçek's grave with a written statement.    Grup Yorum said: "We lost İbrahim at the hospital he was taken to after Helin. The police forces of AKP regime have done almost every dishonourable thing they can after he fell martyr. They attacked our funeral seromony in Gazi Djemevi with tear gas, kidnapped İbrahim's dead body. Now they are threatening to exhume his body and burn it. This is the morality of fascism. İbrahim sang his songs against this system that does not recognize any laws other than their own and that's why he was silenced. İbrahim died so the people would not be silenced. He will live in the hearts of the people for centuries."   Grup Yorum made another call to their fans in Kayseri and democratic mass organizations to go to İbrahim's grave.