Başaran: An independent health committee should visit İmralı 2020-05-11 13:15:36 DİYARBAKIR – HDP Women's Assembly Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran, drawing attention to the isolation in İmralı, stated that an independent health delegation should go to İmralı and said: "The government should abandon this dangerous approach as soon as possible."   Peoples 'Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Assembly Spokesperson, Ayşe Acar Başaran spoke to Mesopotamia Agency about the phonecall PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan made with his brother Mehmet Öcalan after 21 years. Başaran said: "An extraordinary phone call made in an extraordinary environment".   Başaran, stating that the phone call made in the Prosecutor's Office can not be explained by law, pointing out that every prisoner and convict has the right to speak to their relatives and attorneys on the phone, said: "What must have happened was that a system enabling a person to call their family, giving the number to the prison administration. This right of Mr. Öcalan is being violated for 21 years illegally. This is related to the government's policies about Mr. Öcalan and the Kurdish question and the isolation imposed and how it is imposed.   Stating that talks were held with Öcalan from time to time, but the isolation continued heavily, Başaran said: "Was the 21 year isolation imposed evenly through out all these times? No. Things have changed for the better or the worse, but there was always an isolation. They sometimes allowed him to see his family and sometimes his lawyers. He was visited by some politicians during the solution process, but there was always a heavy isolation imposed through these times. The last phone call wasgratifying. It was good news. But it is not enough. In terms of the process before us, it is important for it to continue with a mechanish law is applied."     Başaran emphasized that it is very important for the isolation to be removed as soon as possible and an independent health committee to go to İmralı for routine checks is vital.