It is inexplicable what happened in death fast resistor Gökçek's funeral 2020-05-10 16:27:36   İZMİR - İzmir Bar Association declared a statement that it is not possible to explain what happened at the funeral of İbrahim Gökçek by no means of law, morality or conscience.   Izmir Bar Association declared a written statement regarding the attacks targeting the funeral of İbrahim Gökçek, the death fast resister of music band Grup Yorum. Lawyers from the İzmir Bar informed the public about how the police attacked the funeral with gas bombs and took the lawyers of the family Didem Baydar Ünsal, Seda Şeraldı and Doğa İncesu into custody. According to the statement, the lawyers will be kept in custody for the next 4 days.    The lawyers of the İzmir Bar shared the following words in their statement: "A group of people in Kayseri came together and told that 'they would take out the deceased body of the grave and burn him in case he is buried here'. The police forces did nothing about this group, but chose to attack the citizens who attended the funeral.  it is not possible to explain what happened at the funeral of İbrahim Gökçek by no means of law, morality or conscience. It shall not be forgotten that such an act deprived of all humanitarian values will be noted in the history and the unfair detention of our colleagues should be terminated immediately."