Gökçek's body arrived in Kayseri 2020-05-09 00:01:46   ANKARA – Grup Yorum member İbrahim Gökçek's body arrived in Kayseri. The family announced that the burial will take place in the morning.    İbrahim Gökçek's body who lost his life on the 323rd day of the death fast was abducted by the police yesterday.   It was learned that the body of Gökçek was taken to the cemetery's morgue with police escort. Gökçek's relatives said: "We recieved his body. The burial will take place in the morning. He is now in the cemetery's morgue, he will be buried in Reşadiye Cemetery in the morning."   Gökçek’s lawyer Ayşegül Çağatay said that they were stopped at the entrance of Kırıkkale and said: "Police did not allow us to pass. We have driven through five cities and no one stopped us in any of them. Now they won't allow us. We are still negotiating."