Işık: We need Öcalan's analysis 2020-05-08 11:52:30   VAN - HDP Mus Deputy Mensur Işık, who has been a lawyer for PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan for many years, said: "The rulers are looking for a healthy way out and they can not find it. Öcalan's analysis are needed.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Mus Member of Parliament, Mensur Işık, evaluated the telephone conversation made for the first time in 21 years with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan held in Imrali F Type High Security Prison. Işık, who evaluated the meeting as 'AKP's move to save the day' said: "It will go down on the wrong side of history as it is not well intentioned in terms of rights and law."   ÖCALAN'S PROPOSALS FOR SOLUTION   Emphasizing the excitement about the development in question, Işık pointed out the importance of meeting with Öcalan and continued as follows: "In these days of quarantine and pandemic where every segment of society is stuck, the economic and social crisis deppened and the capitalist modernity is being dicussed, the phone call is very important and created a great deal of excitement. Because in these days, the rulers are trying to find a way out but they can't. Because in this process, we need law for everyone and the rulers need to hear about the solution proposals and thoughts of Mr. Öcalan."   Işık who stated that the right to make a phone call for the first time after 21 years should be done 2 times a week as stated in the law, said: "Mr. Öcalan has a right to 10 minutes phone calls 2 times a week. Because everyone knows that things are not looking up and Öcalan's analysis are needed.   A BLACK STAIN IN HISTORY OF LAW   Emphasizing that the meeting was held at the courthouse is arbitrary and against the law, Işık said: "İmralı is a system.  It has been managed with the crisis desk for years and it is still being managed in the same way. İmralı has been ruled illegally in every aspect starting from family visits to lawyer interviews. Now, the fact that the family is called to the prosecutor's office for the phonecall is ofcourse illegal and arbitrary. The law says 'The prisoners gives the number of their family to the prison administration in advance and makes these calls in a pre-determined time. The government did this to subside the concerns about those in İmralı in these days of coronavirus and to save the day.  A telephone conversation in the prosecution room will take his place in the history of law as a black stain. And it is clear that this was not a well intentioned move."                   MA / Cemil Uğur