EU statement regarding the refugee crisis: 'This game must end' 2020-03-07 12:11:14 NEWS CENTER - At the press released held following the EU Foreign Relations Council, EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Josep Borrell said: "There is no such decision. First the flock of the refugees must be stopped. This game must end" regarding the question about the financial aid to Turkey to be increased.  The foreign ministers of the EU countries said in a joint statement issued after a meeting in the Ukrainian capital, Zagreb, that Turkey's decision to open its borders with Greece for immigrants, ignoring its agreement with the bloc in 2016 regarding immigrants, is unacceptable and that any political pressure of this kind will be rejected.   They also stressed that the European Union reiterates its deep concern about the situation on the Greek-Turkish border, and strongly rejects Turkey's use of migrants as a means of pressure for achieving political purposes.   They added: "The situation on the external borders of the European Union is unacceptable," and continued in expressions directed to Ankara, "Migrants should not be encouraged to attempt to cross illegally by land or sea."   And Josep Borrell, the Union's foreign policy official announced earlier before the meeting that the bloc's governments would consider allocating more money to migrants in Turkey, but would not accept the use of refugees as a bargaining chip.