Earthquake victims staying in tents waiting for a helping hand 2020-03-06 10:56:42   VAN - The earthquake victims in Başkale, Van who are struggling to survive in tents said their most urgent needs are containers they can stay in, toilet and bath cabins.   Families who states that they can no longer stay in tents, are expecting containers and houses from the government.   Citizens staying in tents in  Gelenler (Qiratî) District told about their problems.   MOST URGENT NEED IS CONTAINERS   Hakan Acar who was buried under the wreckage said they managed to free themselves off the wreckage but their animals are still buried under it. Acar, explaining that if they intervened earlier, the animals would not have frozen to death. Acar stating that his family is now staying with relatives in Van, said in order for them to go back, the government should provide them with containers. Acar said: "Life is very hard for the people here. We don't have running water, or baths. We need toilet and bath cabins as soon as possible."   'WE ARE FREEZING'   Another citizen from the neighborhood said they are freezing in the tents in the winter, said both their his financial and moral problems increased day by day. Acar said: "Because we can't do our cleaning people will start to get sick    Cahide Acar who stated that they can't efford to rent a house in the city, said as the women of the village, they only want safe and healthy accomodation for their children.   HE SAVED HIS FAMILY BURIED UNDER WRECAGE   Another earthquake victim Yunus Işık, rescued his family buried under wreckage with his bare hands. Işık stating that his children are injured as a result of the earthquake, said someone needs to hear our voice.   Nezahat Arslan whose husband is in prison is taking care of her 6 children by herself. Arslan said: "I can't look after 6 children in a tent. I need help. I want my husband to be pardoned at least until my children's psychology recovers."   MA / Adnan Bilen - Mesut Bağcı