She asked the isolation against Öcalan to the Minister of Justice 2020-01-31 17:50:18 DİYARBAKIR – Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Batman parliamentary member Feleknas Uca asked the legal grounds of the isolation against PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan to the Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül. HDP Batman parliamentary member Feleknas Uca carried the isolation against Öcalan to the parliament. Uca, in the motion she tabled in the parliament, demanded her questions to be answered in written by Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül. Uca stated that Öcalan could only interviewed with his lawyers in İmralı Prison which he was imprisoned on May 2 2019, after the hunger strike protest of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Leyla Güven had started and after that his interviews in prison were never allowed again. THE REPORT OF CPT WAS ADRESSED In the report of The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT( dated March 20 2018, there was a call to make the necessary effort for all the prisoners in Imrali Prison to be visited by their families and lawyers. In Uca’s question, the report of CPT was noted and the suggestions of CPT related to the isolation against Abdullah Öcalan and all other prisoners in Imrali Prison took place. ‘IS THE ISOLATION A POLITICAL DECISION?’ Uca asked the following questions demanding Minister of Justice Abdullah Gül to answer in written form: * Is there any legal foundation of the isolation against Mr. Abdullah Öcalan and the other prisoners in Imrali Prison? Is ths isolation a political decision? * Is there any regulation in process based on the decision statement of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (AKPM) of which Turkey is also a member? * As stated in the report of CPT, will the action be taken for the prisoners to communicate and use their right to interview in prison? * Will you take any action to end the isolation application which is described by international and national law as torture? * Is there any compliance with the international law of the prevention of Mr. Öcalan to meet with his lawyers? Why is the communication right of the prisoners in Imrali is being prevented? * For how many times is the demand of Mr. Öcalan to meet with his lawyers refused and for how many times could he actually see his lawyers since May 2 2019? For how many times could Mr. Öcalan interviewed with his family?