New term HDP strategy will be 'Strong Democracy Alliance' 2020-01-31 10:12:07   ANKARA - HDP's new term strategy is determined as 'Strong Democracy Alliance' in the congress.  HDP Group Deputy Chairperson Saruhan Oluç said: "With this decision, we describe the coming period as a period of democratic change."   People's Democratic Party (HDP) starts its 4th Grand Ordinary Congress on February 23. Realizing its regional and central conferences, HDP has put forward the main theme of the congress as the “Strong Democracy Alliance” as a result of a series of decisions taken as a result of the discussions it held at the conferences.   'STRONG DEMOCRACY ALLIANCE'   In the decision where the fact that the need of a strong democracy alliance is decided to form a democratic government in Turkey, it was stated that Turkey had to go through a heavy political crisis during the AKP- MHP period.  In the decision, which was determined as the strategy of the HDP in the coming period, it was stated that:  "Our party is resolutely continuing its struggle against fascism, with all segments that stand for democracy and building the alliance of democracy so that peace, freedom, equality, justice and democracy can win. HDP sees creating a democracy alliance that can meet the minimum democratic commons as its primary duty."   HDP Group Vice President Saruhan Oluç talked to a group of journalists at the parliament about the congress process and current developments.   Stating that the government is no longer able to rule the country and it is time for change, Oluç said: "We describe the coming period as a period of democratic change. As HDP, we have declared that we are an important part and actor of this process. We have also said that we aspire to the democratic administration of this country. With this claim, we will engage in politics with this policy."