Shengal is on target again: These attacks are the continuum of the '73rd command' 2020-01-30 19:36:12 ŞIRNAK – Shengal Democratic Autonomy Assembly’s Exterior Affairs Responsible Faris Herbo told that the attacks targeting Shengal are the continuum of the 73rd command*. Herbo, who states that the return of the people of Shengal via these attacks, raises a call to the society. As the Xanesor and Barê regions of Shengal was bombed numerous times by Turkish war planes, YBŞ(Shengal Defens Brigades) Commander Zerdeşt Shengali and 3 warriors have been killed by the air strikes on January 15 in Shengal’s Sinune districts Digur village. Number of protests continue throughout the world even though Iraq and United Nations and Coalision states have been keeping their silence. Shengal Democratic Autonomy Assembly’s Exterior Affairs Responsible Faris Herbo evaluates the attacks going on in Shengal for Mezopotamya agency. Herbo told: “We didn’t liberate this city in order to make benefits available to Turkish state and its proponents. For whatever it takes and whichever price to pay, we will live in these territories we liberated with our dignity. We will never give our territories to imperialist states as gifts." Herbo stated that the state of Iraq also could not protect Shengal from the attacks and added: “That is why all the forces emerged to protect Shengal today are totally legit. They are defending  the values of their own people.” FAMILIES ARE PREVENTED TO GO BACK IN SHENGAL Herbo’s statements continue as follows: “Masoud Barzani makes meetings with the ones whom he should be asking for their account in threatening the dignity and honor of the women of Ezidi people. He makes plans and projects for the return of Arabs. The real target of the attacks in Shengal is actually to make Ezidi people to leave the city. They want Ezidi people to be removed from Shengal and never to come back after they migrate once. Before these attacks, the Ezidi families had been coming back to Shengal, but their return back has stopped together with the attacks. *73rd command refers to the last period of massacres in the terminology of Ezidi massacres history. Based on this historical terminology, Ezidi people are being called the survivors of 72 massacre attacks.