‘No chance of success for US projects says Öcalan: The only way is the Democratic Confederalism 2020-01-29 19:09:11 İSTANBUL – The “Middle-East Peace Plan” of Trump hasn’t been welcomed by any state other than Israel. PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan had long addressed the solution of Democratic Confederalism by his evaluation that ‘Unless having the mentality of nation-state gone beyond no project can make Middle-East to overcome the deep depression and wars. The provocative steps that the USA have been willing to put in practice in Jerusalem which is deemed as holy by all the three divine religions have long been evaluated as part of the modifications they desire in Middle-East. PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan who was dismissed from Syria and was given in to Turkey as part of an interstate conspiracy on October 9 1998 and now kept in İmralı Prison under isolation warned about the plans of USA that they want to practice in the Middle-East. ‘NO CHANCE OF SUCCESS’ Öcalan in his book written in prison and titled as “Kurdish Question and the Sollution of Democratic Nation” which was published in 2012 underlines that there is no chance of success for the Greater Middle-East Project that USA wants to bring forward. Öcalan made these evaluations: “Because this project relies upon nation-state. Many similar projects pushed Middle-East into deeper conflicts. The results of the last project has not come out differently. Unless having the mentality of nation-state gone beyond no project can make Middle-East to overcome the deep depression and wars. (…) This status of Middle-East is structural as we have presented by all its dimensions and it ground nation-state mentality. As we presented in the same demonstrative manner that the Democratic Nation Mentality and Democratic Autonomism Structure of Democratic Modernity is the most egalitarian, emancipatory and democratic model for the way out from this caotic status. It is the new paradigm. It is such a model that it shows everybody, all societies, the way to permanent peace and security.” ‘NOTHING GOOD WOULD COME OUT OF SMALL STATES' PKK leader Öcalan made these evaluations on December 15 2004 in his interview with his lawyers: “Via the Greater Middle-East Project of USA it is targeted that nationalisms and small nation-states would be brought back alive and pushed in conflict with each other so that they could guarantee their domination in the Middle-East. Syria, Iran and Turkey would get their share from that. Now in Iraq, Sunnis, Shiahs and Kurdish nationalisms are in conflict. At the end of this process, three nation-state may come into existence. However, even when Iraq itself brings no solution to nothing, so even when the greater (state) itself is not able to bring solution,  nothing good would come out of small states. In Syria, there are Sunni, Durzi, Alewis, Kurdish nationalisms etc. This situation is already known in Turkey. The only way to overcome this is the Democratic Confederalism.