‘There is an economic crisis, early elections are a must’ 2019-11-25 11:05:03 DİYARBAKIR - People of Diyarbakır, evaluating the call for early elections, stating that the people are in an economic depression, said that it is necessary to go to early elections. The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), with all its structures and components, held a meeting in Ankara on November 20, and announced its position on the new era. The meeting was attended by many intellectuals and writers and the HDP decided to preserve their gains instead of a collective resignation. HDP later made a call for early elections.   The citizens of Diyarbakır evaluated the HDP's call for early elections to both the government and the opposition.     A citizen, Mehmet Arslan, stating that the problems and the demands of the Kurdish people is being ignored by the parliament, said that the current problems in the country can only be solved with a modern and democratic constitution. In order to achieve this, Arslan reiterated that he thinks that the HDP's early election proposal is necessary.   'THE COUNTRY IS NOT MANAGEABLE'     İbrahim Arcan stated that people are financially in an impossible situation in the country he defines as 'unmanageable'. Arcan stated that early elections are necessary in order to overcome this tight spot.   'WE ARE READY FOR ELECTIONS'   Mehmet Turan, stating that HDP is the only party representing them, reacted to the government that excludes HDP and stating that Diyarbakır is a stronghold for HDP, said: "No one should assume they will win here. They can hold any kind of election they want. We will win again. We are ready for the elections."   70 year Mustafa Günay, stating that they want the elections to be held immediately, says that the oppression and the tyranny over HDP is only making it bigger.   Günay stressed that they will support the HDP until the end, “Because it is a righteous case. So many mayors unjustly dismissed. They didn't dismiss them, they actually dismissed us. They invaded our will. They did not just ignored our mayors, they ignored the people who voted for them. Erdoğan talks about the will of the people all the time. If those people are Kurdish, there is no will I guess? We will not forgive Erdoğan in the elections."