Diyarbakır Security Directorate offered money to wait in front of HDP 2019-11-08 10:53:16   DİYARBAKIR - Diyarbakır Security Directorate who organize the sit in in front of HDP Diyarbakır Provincial Building, called in the families of the people who went to the mountains as guerillas and offered them money to participate in the sit in.    The number of the people who are forced to do a sit in in front of Dİyarbakır Provincial building decreases day by day. As a result of the scuffle in front of the HDP building, Remzite Akkoyun who initiated the sit in was sent away by the police. While the number of the families does not exceed 13, police and gendermerie are doing all in their power to increase these numbers.   Police and the gendermerie who identified the families who applied to the police for missing persons or whose children joined the HPG , calls these families and pressures them into joining the sit in, even offering money to some families to do so.   A family who did not want their names to be revealed because of security concerns said that they have been summoned to the police station many times since their son joined HPG in 2014 and even money was offered to them to join the sit in in front of HDP Diyarbakır building. Father speaking on the issue said: "I was summoned to the police station the day the families started the sit in. They offered me to join the sit in for my son. I rejected it. They started calling me every two days. At last they offered me money a week ago. They told me to wait for my son in front of HDP. I did not accept again."