'In case of a Kobané attack, Erdoğan will suffer the consequences' 2019-11-01 12:53:53 ANKARA - HDP Co- Deputy Hişyar Özsoy who stated that lobby's are now came into play in order to prevent the sanction bill against Turkey not to come to the senate, said: "The wave is so high, no one can stand in front of it. In case of a Kobané attack, Erdoğan will suffer the consequences." Most of the parliamentarians voted yes in the House of Representatives on October 30 to the bill against Turkey. While 403 parliamentarian voted yes at the sanction bill, it is not clear whether the sanctions will be imposed with the approval of the Senate or the US President Donald Trump. Hişyar Özsoy, Co-Vice President for HDP Foreign Affairs who is in Washington for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Parliamentary Assembly meeting, made an assessment of the sanction bill adopted in the US House of Representatives.    Özsoy pointing out Erdoğan's statement where he said: "Kobané must be in our control", said: "Erdoğan does not compromise, and the wave may grow more if he attacks in Kobanê. Erdogan and Trump may well be drowned under this wave. Americans do not insist on the sanctions or destroying Turkey yet. If Erdogan and Trump step back from their decisions on North-East Syria, there is no reason to impose sanctions. This sanction bill should be considered as part of a serious diplomatic negotiation. If Erdogan stops the occupation and Trump revises its policy towards Syria, sanctions will not be needed. ”