UN: We welcome the agreement between Turkey and Russia 2019-10-24 09:18:25 NEWS CENTER - UN Spokesperson Farhan Haq, stating that they welcome the agreement between Russia and Turkey, regarding the establishment of safe zone, said that a new operation should not be carried out. United Nations (UN) spokesperson Farhan Haq, held a press conference on the agenda of North and East Syria. UN spokesperson Haq said that the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres welcomes all the effort to reduce the tension in the region and the agreement made between Russia and Turkey.   Haq said: "we are aware of the agreement made between Turkey and Russia yesterday, and Turkey's statements regarding the agreement. At this stage, there is no need for another operation outside the existing operation area. The Secretary General welcomes every effort to return the situation to normal and to protect civilians."    Haq, stating that the returns of the civillians who left the region durng Turkey's offensive, must be voluntarily and said the Syria Constitutional Committee will be held on October 30, under the chairmanship of the Special Represantative Geir Pedersen.