'Police tried to strangle us with a blanket' 2019-10-21 09:28:54   DİYARBAKIR - SGDF member Helin Yağmur Uci, stating that she was subjected to police harassment, threatened with rape and torture and her other friends at home at the time was tried to be strangled with a blanket.   The house Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) member Helin Yağmur Uci has been staying with Socialist Women's Assembly (SKM) Central Executive Board (MYK) Member Satiye Ok and SKM ESP member Beren Atıcı was raided by the police around 04.00 AM on October 18. Uci, stating that the policebroke down the door and entered the house said they were subjected to police harassment and torture for 2 hours.    'As soon as the masked cops entered the house, the torture started' they said and continued: 'They laid us on the ground. They stepped on our backs with their boots and stood there like 10 minutes before seperating them into different rooms for torture.   Expressing that the police sexually harassed her with the barrel of his gun, Uci stated that swelling occured on her face as a result of the blows to her face and that they did the same things to her other 2 friends. Uci said: "They took Beren in a different room. I could hear her screams. When I got into that room I saw that there was a blanket on her head. they tied it around so that she could not breathe, her hands were handcuffed from the back, her arms were red. They were opening up her shirt touching her. She couldn't breathe. They were trying to suffocate her with that blanket. Her eyes were tied."   Polisin silahın namlusu ile cinsel tacizde bulunduğunu dile getiren Uci, yüzüne aldığı darbeler sonucu yüzüne şişliklerin oluştuğunu ve aynı şekilde diğer 2 kadın arkadaşına da aynı işkencelerin yapıldığını belirterek, “Beren arkadaşımızı ayrı bir odada işkence ediyorlardı. Sesi çok fazla geliyordu. Ben salona çıktığımda Beren’in başında bir battaniye vardı. Başına çarşaf bağlanmıştı. Elleri plastik kelepçelerle sıkılmıştı. Kolları kızarmıştı. Üstünü açıp elle taciz ediyorlardı. Beren nefes alamıyordu. Battaniye ile boğmaya çalışıyorlardı. Gözleri bağlıydı. Yüzünü kapatıp boğmaya çalışıyorlardı” dedi.   Uci who stated that the police forced them to sign some papers relieving the police of any charges regarding any damage to the property, said even though they had swelling and signs of torture on their bodies, they couldn't get a medical report.    Uci stating that a strip search was imposed on them at the Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate, said they did not allow that but were subjected to violence during their detention.   Stating that they were taken under custody because of their social media shares, said: "They accused us of criticising the Rojava occupation. We told the same thing to the prosecutor; we are in line with our party's ideology. We have a right to organize activities and actions. We stated that the attacks against Rojava is an occupation and that we will continue to say that everywhere."