Protests against Turkish threats of invasion all over Germany 2019-10-08 13:11:40 NEWS DESK - Kurds reacted to the threats of invasion issued by the Turkish state against Rojava and northern and eastern Syria by taking to the streets in many cities in Europe. MÜNSTER   Kurds and their friends gathered in front of HBF in Münster to protest the threat of invasion issued by the Turkish state. Some 150 people gathered with YPG flags   German activists also joined the protest.   MANNHEIM   In Mannheim, the protest action was held in front of the HBF. Activists chanted slogans against the Turkish state and its threats to attack Rojava.    DUISBURG   In Duisburg, the Turkish state's occupation threats and attacks were protested in front of the HBF.   Activists opened a banner saying "Turkish state out of Rojava".   The speeches delivered during the action underlined the fact that the Turkish state occupation plan came into play with the approval of the USA.   GIESSEN   A protest was held at the Berlinerplatz in Giessen. Representatives of Die Linke Giessen and Youth Organization (SDS), European Assyrian Union (ESU), International Bündnis and Circassian people made speeches.   Activists emphasized that the attempt to occupy Rojava / Northern Syrian Federation is unacceptable.   COLOGNE   A protest against the Turkish state threats to invade Rojava was held in Cologne. The action was held at the main railway station in Cologne, Breslauer Square, and was attended by many well-known artists and German organizations.   The rally was organized by the Cologne Vyan Women's Assembly. Representatives and supporters of parties and movements such as German Die Linke, MLPD, Riseup4 Rojava and Rebell attended the rally and their representatives made speeches.   MLCP representatives and supporters also participated in the action.   The MLPD representative drew attention to the importance of international solidarity in his speech and recalled that "in 2015, ISIS was defeated in Kobanê also thanks to the international solidarity".   Kurdish artists living in and around Cologne Seyîdxan, Şemdîn, Xelîl Xemgîn, Diyar, Kawa, Şeyma, Peyvan Arjîn, Ali Ikizer, Zülfikar Ali joined the action.   ESSEN   A protest was held in Essen with the participation of 300 people on Monday evening. Co-chair of the Kurdish Community Center Yılmaz Gültekin made a speech in front of the HBF.   Gultekin criticized the two-sided policies of America and the EU.   SAARBRÜCKEN   A protest was held in front of the Europa Gallery in Saarbrücken. Kurds and their friends held a march and rally in front of Saarbrücken municipality.   HAMBURG   The protest action in Hamburg was held in front of the Rote Flora. Activists held a march and Hamburg Left Party MP Cansu Özdemir said: "The Kurdish people are fighting for their freedom. The Kurds did not occupy anyone's land. The Kurds do not serve the interests of neither America nor Russia." Özdemir also condemned the attitude of European states, especially Germany, which keeps silence about the invasion attacks.   HANOVER   In the city of Hanover, Kurds and their friends organized an action to protest the threats of invasion issued by the Turkish state.    Activists protested the double-face and betraying of Kurds by the International Coalition.