From Kubilay to Erdoğan: UN is not an A News studio 2019-09-27 13:38:21 ANKARA - HDP Spokesperson Günay Kubilay noting that Erdoğan has appointed trustees to the wills of 20 million citizens, said 'It is understandable why he did not mention the will of the people in jis UN speech. He couldn't have. UN is not an A News studio.'   People's Democratic Party Spokesperson Günay Kubilay  made assessments regarding the agenda at his party's headquarters.   Kubilay said: "The speach Erdoğan made in UN General Assembly would be the subject to many lawsuits if it would have been made against him in Turkey. Especially in the recent years, we witness a totally different political charachter. Turkey is a country where racism, xenophobia and discrimination peaks. Who can say that this embarrassing political picture is not the work of power? Who protects the racist attacks against the Kurds and the Syrians in this country and the racist fascist mob who have made lynch attempts? Those who attempt these racist attacks and lynches are not even being taken under custudy. The President, who does not legislate a law for hate crimes in his own country, demands international legislation at the UN. We ask, why not have a hate crimes law in Turkey? Could it be because you guys commit hate crimes the most?"