Is the counter-guerilla back in operation in Şırnak 2019-09-02 09:35:40 ŞIRNAK - In some areas of Mount Cudi and Besta region, where military operations were organized continuously in Şırnak, it was claimed that the "Dagger" and "Flag" teams, who were involved in many unsolved murders in the 90s, dressed as HPG members are now back in operation.   Many air- assisted military operations are being carried out lately with the participation of soldiars and rangers around Mount Cudi and Besta regions located in the countryside of Şırnak. These areas where military deployment never stops, are also under constant fire with cannon shots fired from the surrounding police stations.  Operations are mainly concentrated in the rural areas of Güneyçam (Navyan), Dağkonak (Nerex), Araköy (Kiron), Toptepe (Avgamasiya), Geçitboyu (Buryan) and Balveren Town (Gundikê Melê).    'DAGGER AND FLAG TEAMS AT WORK!'   Citizens living in the area who can not go to their farms due to the operations, stated that they saw the 'Dagger' and 'Flag' teams that are known to abduct, extort, torture and kill people in the 90's. Citizens living in the area stated that they saw people dressed like HPG amongst the rangers walking freely in the operation zones.   Two shepherds, Vali Çevik and Hekim Demir was found shot to death at one of the villages in question.  The pro-government media claimed that the two shepherds had been executed by the PKK, while the PKK had not claimed the incident.   The "Dagger" team, known for their murders in the 1990s, came to the agenda in July 2009 with the murder of Necman Ölmez (35) and Ferhat Ediş (35) in Beytüşşebap district. After the incident, 9 people from the 'Dagger' team were sentenced to life imprisonment.