HDP: The Yazidis are still threatened with genocide 2019-08-03 15:02:01   NEWS DESK - Despite being recognised as a genocide but all major international institutions,Turkey did not recognise as such the Yazidi massacre of 3 August 2014.   Azad Barış, deputy co-chair of HDP Press and Propaganda issued a written statement to mark the anniversary of the 2014 Yazidi Genocide in Shengal.   "On 3 August 2014, - said the statement - ISIS mercenaries slaughtered more than 5,000 Yazidi Kurds, including women, children and the elderly. Tousands were kidnapped, sold in markets, enslaved."   Barış said that this atrocious attack carried out by ISIS resulted in a great human cost, conscientious destruction and provoked a huge population movement and displacement. "This period - said the statement - was a new black page in the history and collective memory of the Yazidis which is full of massacres and genocide. Indeed this would go down on records as the 73rd genocide."   Barış then recalled that the Yazidis are one of the most ancient communities in Mesopotamia and added that they have been subjected to massacres and oppression throughout history. "Despite the massacres and genocide - said Barış - the Yazidis resisted and preserved their beliefs, cultures and identity."   'Turkey did not recognise the genocide'   Despite being recognised as a genocide but all major international institutions, said Barış, Turkey did not recognise as such the Yazidi massacre of 3 August 2014.   Indeed, the HDP official recalled, "the Yazidis who fled to Turkey seeking refuge, were faced which yet more repression."   'The threats continue'   Although 5 years have passed since the attacks on 3 August 2014, sad Barış, "the wounds of the Yazidi people in Shengal have not yet healed. There are attempts to deport the Yazidis away from their lands. Today the Yazidis still face the threat of massacre and repression. Hostile policies aimed at completing the genocide started by ISIS are still there. The international community - said the HDP - has to fulfill its responsibilities against these threats. Attacks against the ancient people of this ancient land cannot be allowed. In Shengal, humanitarian living conditions should be created, as well as return opportunities for the exiled Yazidis, who were forced to flee from their homeland."