Yeni Yaşam newspaper censored in Siverek Prison 2019-08-03 13:27:46 NEWS DESK - It turned out that Siverek T Type Prison censored Yeni Yaşam newspaper under the pretext that it threatened the security of the institution. It has been exposed that Siverek T-Type Closed Prison Directorate has imposed censorship on Yeni Yaşam (New Life) newspaper.   The paper sent to prisoners Ahmet Öztürk, Şerif Mesutoğlu, Gökhan Çiftçi, Abdurrahim Dağdelen, Mehmet Şirin Durdu and Vedat Oktay on 11-12-13-14-15 March were not delivered to them and the Prison Education Board said that the paper was not delivered as it "threatened the security of the Institution".   Timing censorship   It is interesting to note that the censorship was imposed during the hunger strike resistance and indeed at a time when the newspaper was reporting on this important struggle.   The prison administration further claimed that in the paper “there are statements aimed at endanger the unity and integrity of the state and articles supporting certain organised activities."   The censorship imposed by the education board decision that the paper could jeopardize the security of the institution, was accepted even if it is not in fact on order coming by the court.   The criteria of the Prison Board of Education appear to be religious and nationalist, with its reference to spiritual development and religious publications clearly reminding to Kemalist nationalism. It is interesting to not that despite this imposed mentality and prohibitions, there is a reference to the importance of “cultural horizon” development.   The prison education board looks at the following elements in a publication: “a) to provide resources for improvement and training programs and courses; b) increase the general and professional knowledge of convicts and detainees; c) strengthening the love of prisoners for the homeland, the country; d) possessing the necessary attributes for the spiritual development of the prisoners; e) to be in line with Atatürk's nationalism, principles and thoughts; f) helping prisoners to make good use of their free time, acquiring reading habits and improving their horizons in terms of culture. ”